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New evidence suggests that Mars used to have an ocean and sandy beaches

According to researchers, according to the information called, the evidence that Mars had once in the house of oceans and sandy beaches and sandy beaches have discovered . This is a cry of modern MARS, a fantasy of ice cream and radiation.

Scientists discovered the evidence of the beaches buried after China analyzing the ground image information below China’s Zhurong Rover. These information from the northern lowlands of Mars are very similar to what researchers found when using the influential radars in a similar place here, . At some point they found the angled and bent underground material toward an oval with an ocean.

“Typically, the radar sedimentary is also taking the fine changes, which is what happened here, Dr. Benjamin Cardenas, who is the author of the Penn State University, has to be a tidal, there should be waves, a nearby river should be deposited and some of these had to be active for a long time. “

Scientists have long been deprived of whether or not the oceans of Mars have long been deprived of, and this discovery indicates that the planet is once home for wide water bodies. Previous discoveries reported it used for this and . There is also proof of liquid water in the present day.

“A beach is a interface between the shallow water, air and soil. This is a way of thinking that life is on earth, and the past, the past life,” Cardenas said.

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