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Not Good at Math? This iPhone Message Feature Can Help With That

Anyone can solve an equation or make a conversion in the flight and everything is ok. With this secret iOS 18 The feature does not need to open your calculator application to solve the difficult equations and you will not have to open Google to look for a conversion rate. You can apply your messages instead.

Technical tips

Before IOS 18, you want to divide an account with a bill with a bill, you should use your calculator application or focus and then return to the messages. You can implement multi-storey calculations in messages with IOS 18, as well as convert things like currencies and temperature without changing applications.

Read more: iOS 18 brings these new features to your iPhone

Here’s how to fulfill messages.

How to Solve Math Problems in Messages

Math formula

Apple / CNET

If you want to solve a math equation in messages, type the problem to your text area, add an equal sign (=) and the solution will appear in the predicted text field on the keyboard. Click Solve to add to your text.

Messages can solve simple math equations like “2 + 2 =” by typing the text field “2 + 2 =”. The application can also solve the equations that use more complex formulas, such as Sine, Cosina and Tangent’s trigonometric functions. You must include an equal sign (=) Whatever the end of each equation.

How to convert values ​​to messages

Changes in messages are similar to solving the math problems in the application. Write the value of the text box with the appropriate value mark – as Fahrenheit or LBS F for f – then type the sign equal to (=) and the predictive text area on top of the keyboard will show the conversion.


Apple / CNET

If you do not show what you turn, you will choose to turn to predictive text. But don’t worry, the application will not try to turn the pounds to minutes. Messages will show conversions to similar sections, so Fahrenheit, Celsius and Pounds will become Celsius and become a kilogram.

What you can choose from writing something like “60hr thousand =” and the messages will show a 3,900-minute conversion in the predicted text field. For more things in iOS 18 you have what you need to know here iOS 18.3.2, iOS 18.3.1 and iOS 18.3. We can also check iOS 18 cheat sheet.

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