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Now you can generate images directly from ChatGPT and Sora

Openai said that only users will soon be able to create images directly within ChatGPT. Chatgpt Plus, Pro, team and most importantly, spread to free users. This will be a means of standard image in 4O, so when you want to whip a cat in space that eats Lasagna, Dall will not open. The feature also comes to Sora.

The company will create high quality images based on the platform “scheme, conversation and loaded files.” To the last point, pre-existing images will be able to change based on the instructions. Openai also boasts texts and significant developments in the contextual concept.

These new tools are designed for both personal and professional use. Thus, Openai gives a number of examples as this type of image can create a generation. These include infographic, social media promotion graphics and images, as shown below, with a large number of text.

An image created with a large number of text.An image created with a large number of text.


It can also manage high-level visuals, with a modern generation tool. The company offers a powerful abilities for “light, shadow and tissue accuracy”, “photorealism, including photorealism.” “The ability to understand the context can also be useful, because Openai says that this can be used for visualization of the history of the birds of birds found in the central park or before the date discussed in the conversation.

This is based on GPT-4O, an AI model . He stands for the “O OMNI”, which is referring to the model of the model. Many of the above features allow you to repeat in loaded files. Today’s news is similar to another step of the long way towards the functionality of “an AI to manage all .

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