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Openai is trying to evidence of elon musk

Elon Musk has recently tried to capture Openai rejected By CEO Sam Altman and Openai’s non-commercial board.

Now the creator of ChatGPT was asked to make sure that the richest coup in the world or any other investor will be successful.

According to a report during the financial periodThe changes discussed, Openai will provide special voting rights to existing non-commercial directors, even an artificial intelligence organization, even a profitable company known as a profit corporation, to become a re-establishment.

By concentrating this power in Openai’s non-profit arms, AI Upstart can refute Musk’s dispute, where the original philanthropic mission. You can also allow the members of the Board members to potentially overcome other supporting facilities such as Microsoft (Msft) or SoftBank.

File photo: Openai co-founder and CEO Director-General Sam Altman, Berlin, February 7, 2025, participates in a panel discussion on February 7, 2025 in the technical university. Reuters / Axel Schmidt / File photo
Sam Altman, co-founder and the General Director of Openai. Reuters / Axel Schmidt / File picture · Reuters / Reuters

All this, Openai’s board members and Altman will be a maneuver, all the opposite is the defendants in the Muski court, who wanted to become an OpenaI ‘profit work.

“There are strategic decisions that can be done to protect an unlimited profit or to protect against the enemy.” Non-profit law expert Ellis Carter wrote Philanthropist Blog. But the non-profit “truly unparalleled” Carter explained, carefully should be done.

There are no shares and official property of non-profit corporations, “the design of management is critical,” he said.

So far, the Board of Openai has no gains, non-profit, shareholders and voting members. However, the University of California, Professor of Los Angeles Rose Chan Loui Said Openai said that the company’s profits were aimed at being able to seize a hostile corporation to become a public benefit corporation.

Chan Loui, Openai’s board members are suspected that the reconstructed company will give a special grade in the reconstructed company in the new capital owners. At the very least, he said he could cancel any leading actions of Microsoft, including private investors, including private investors.

In addition, it does not know how much the voting rights will be. For example, they can be limited to the seizure attempts or decline in the non-profit council.

“Need more information,” said Chan Loui.

Openai did not respond to a survey for clarification.

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