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OpenAI rolls out its AI agent, Operator, in several countries

Open gossip On Friday operator operator, Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, South Korea, South Korea, South Korea, South Korea, UK and more are the AI ​​agency called users.

In addition to Openai, Operator, AU, Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland, ChatGpt said, most places.

The operator launched In January In the United States, it is one of the few “AI agents” tools that can be done to work as book tickets, restaurant reservations, file cost reports or e-trading sites.

Openai operator
Photo credits:Open

The tool is currently available only for subscribers in the $ 200 Chatgpt Pro Plan. You can only use a tool Special websiteHowever, the company said that this plans to prepare the operator with Chatgpt customers. The operator works in a separate browser window (users can control any time) to perform tasks.

In this space, there is extensive competition as companies Google, Anthropical and Hare Construction agents that can perform similar tasks. However, Google project is still on the waiting list

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