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Pakistani army says 300 hostages are free from the train

Pakistan’s army says that the servicemen in the province of Balochistan released more than 300 collateral from the train in Balochistan.

Military opinion Idestur, 33 servicemen were killed during the operation, he said.

Before the operation, the Baloch Baloch was killed by a two-year civilian hostage and four military personnel by the Azerbaijani army (BLA).

To exclude the remaining threats, the military continues to search.

Pakistani authorities – as well as several Western countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States – A BLA terrorist organization.

Bla is one of the rebel groups that require greater autonomy or independence for Balochistan in Pakistan.

Islamabad accuses the region’s rich mineral resources. Previously, they attacked military camps, railway stations and trains – but this is the first time when they missed a train.

At least 100 people were members of the security forces.

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