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Pakistan’s ‘war war’ approach is dangerous | Opinion

Using the tags ‘terrorism’, Skapegoating refuses to refuse to see the roots of the rebellies that neighbors do not earn the strategy.

On March 11, Balochistan Balochistan warriors from the Salvation Army (BLA), a Jaffar emergency train from Quetta to releived. After a 36-hour sustainable, Pakistan security forces were able to kill Bla operators and leave hundreds of collateral. According to the government, at least eight civilians were killed during the operation.

Pakistani officials They quickly blamed Afghanistan and India because they call the “terrorist attack”. This is the last example of Pakistan’s government and Pakistan’s “war in terror” how Pakistan has increased its connection to Afghanistan.

About three months ago train abduction, Pakistani fighter jets bombed Afghanistan killed at least 46 people, including the provinces, women and children of Afghanistan. Many of the injured were people who moved from Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Pakistan, Afghan-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) pursued Afghan sovereignty and international law, claiming that Pakistani (TTP) is hiding in Afghan. Over the past two years, Islamabad blames the cable of the “terrorists” limit attacking the territory of Pakistan.

This is the United States, air raids, man theft, target killing, etc. during the “war” called “war”. Thus, the United States has confirmed that the world’s conventions, civilians and warriors have linked the difference between the rights of proportional reaction and war.

The United States and intelligence civilians saw active fighters or “hostage damage”, which is inevitable when the civilians are followed by a high-valuable target. All countries and civilians paid the price of “terrorist” holidays, which were carried out by armed groups, and they still do. This can be withdrawn from the United States Afghanistan and Iraq, but its practices remain inherited and are adopted by governments in the region and are easily accepted. Pakistan’s government is one of them.

The 20-year US occupation of Afghanistan refused to see the Afghanistan’s Taliban as “terrorists” and to continue asylum and support. Again, today the Pakistani government labeled TTP and VLIs as terrorist groups and the Afghan Taliban government as a “terrorism” sponsor.

These local rebells refuse to see as a politically motivated rational actors who have to see or hear the complaints as a substantiated rational actor.

Pakistan is an internal issue that chooses to deal with these groups, but there are several lessons from the latest American adventure need to listen.

The United States has given a wide definition of “terrorism”, where Muslims are suspected at home and abroad. In Afghanistan, the enemy was united by the Taliban and sometimes Afghan civilians.

The arrest of the alleged Taliban members and torture and torture fed only the enthusiasm of the Taliban fighters and increased violence. An uncertain Drone strikes in Afghanistan and Pakistan violated the sovereignty, but also encouraged young people to join Afghan Taliban and TTP.

Several attempts to negotiate the Taliban with the United States, until 2021, in the two decades, when they run out of occupation and war in two decades, decided to accept Washington’s defeat and defeat.

It is easy to dismantle the actions like “terrorist” and to be able to see any peace. However, as shown by the American example, this approach does not end well.

Instead of trying to drag the US on another war on “terror” – as US media output Throwing site Recall – Pakistan should learn from the American experience. They cannot be awareness about groups such as TTP and BLA; They deal with their citizens with clear complaints.

The Pakistani government must hear the requirements of these groups and find a way to negotiate with them. Bla and TTP should recognize the suffering of the civilian population in the areas where the operation. In addition, you need to put an end to Afghanistan’s sovereignty and put an end to the Taliban government for their security failures under the name “terrorist war”.

If Pakistan’s military forces decide not to study from the deadline and follow the footsteps, it is likely that it is likely that it is likely to meet the fate

The views shown in this article are unique and definitely reflect the editorial position of Gazir.

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