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People who really have content with life are doing this 10 small things every day, says a specialist

When life is complicated, our instincts often lead us to the wrong way. When society can heal us, we areolate ourselves or when a new problem can make us aware of endless free time.

I have been studying for 15 years happinessAnd with thousands of people covering all income levels, all income levels, I had the opportunity to talk to the executors with thousands of people from executors to front of the front.

I learned what the background or condition would be, The happiest people We thought how to grow their brains Look for joy and satisfaction.

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What do people really do every day

1. Prioritize friendships: The happiest people are approaching Relationships not “nice” but not agreed. When planning a friend time, they try to continue to operate instead of fast catchment.

2. Strategically relax: Mentally exhausted? Go for a run. Braining from the brain analytical work? Do something creative with your hands. Most content people know how to adapt how much people are running out recovery.

3. Deal with creative work: People who spend time Creative activityboth cookingReport higher levels of writing, gardening or drawing, happiness. When you create something new, even if you have a cheerful bad irrigation, your brain brightens on your phone.

4. To train the community: Reach instead of taking, which you have stressed or excessively stressed for the next time. Help someone else or find a reason that fills you with a purpose. Your brain can protest first but your happiness will fly.

5. Don’t be afraid to wear: The happiest people don’t play cool. Actively seeking things, people and Activities that illuminate them. Do you know the enthusiasm you feel when talking about a favorite activity? In fact, it is a secret ingredient for daily happiness.

6. Set firm borders: The study said we need us Two to five hours free time For the summit of the peak every day. Happy people protect “me from my time” and know that these work emails can wait later.

7. Manage your energy: Happy people Recognize personal tops and valleysIn general, when they are usually crawled, it is naturally planning the required tasks when there are most excitement and recovery periods. They create days flowing with biology than to fight against them.

8. Hug micro-links: Research shows that Conversations with people you don’t know Consistently improve your mood, so it can be a powerful strengthening of the phrase you can’t talk to Barista.

9. Good flavor: Indeed people do not in a hurry. They slow down to absorb positive moments – the beauty of the sunset, the taste of good food, a sense of achievement. They grow up in these experiments and grow their brains to cheer up more deeply.

10. Follow meaningful progress: Content people always mark small victories along the journey. The right speed of speed itself understands that he has created more joy than reaching the final destination.

Happy mindset

The real joy in their lives is a moment of applause, football, or a perfect day in the focus of whom I met. They consider it as a string of light. Every little bulb may seem self-negligible, but they create something magical together.

Start with only one of these small, intentional ones Happy habits Follow up to your opportunities for today and flowering, satisfaction and satisfaction.

Jessica Weiss He teaches people and jobs and teaches more happiness, implementation and satisfaction of the workplace. Positive psychology worked with global brands such as Coca-Cola, Johna-Cola, Johnson & Johnson and American Express with the background. He is the author of the book ahead, “Happiness: Here is the science that develops.” He won from the University of Pennsylvania and MBA from Columbia Business School.

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