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Philippine’s first night in prison is a major point for ICC in the first night in a prison

What do we know about DutyTin ICC Arrest Guarantee … 92 seconds

Former Philippine President Rodrigo DutyTeTe’s International Criminal Court (ICC) Prison (ICC) Prison (ICC) gathered, shouting by shouting and shouting by shouting the national flags, “Bring him back!” as driven by the rapidly applied iron doors.

A short time before the Netherlands, 79-year-old unapologetically, the ICC said that he was “reasonable grounds” to kill humanity as a crime against humanity, he said.

Small-time drug dealers, users and others, mayor and then were killed without trial as a president.

The official payment stops in 6,000, although activists believe that the real figure can enter tens of thousands.

DutyTe said he reached drug dealers to get rid of street crimes.

However, law groups claim that the campaign was humidity with the abuse of the police targeting young people from the city’s poor.

DutyTeTe is the first to be charged by ICC and the first suspect flying to The Hague in three years.

And his arrival comes in the main moment for the International Criminal Court.

How was Rodrigo Hollerte’s Prison Camera Finished?

Rodrigo was the result of an unprecedented chain of events that did not deported and unsecured events on Monday.

His supporters claim that the current President Ferdinand Marcos was used as a political tool by the country’s strongest Hollerte family.

ICC is the last resort court designed to consider the most powerful considering the local courts that local courts cannot do or do not want. However, it is a reminder to the extent to which the state cooperation depends on state cooperation – it does not have the power to arrest people without cooperation with the most refused countries.

In the case of Dutyte, a chance to be judged by ICC, in 2022, the daughter, Vice President Sara Cutlerte, was noticeable when he was allied with Marcos to create a strong “Uniteam” sweeping the parliamentary elections.

Until a few months ago, Marcos rejected the idea of ​​collaborating with ICC.

However, the pace of Hollerte’s arrest and extradited pace, when political winds are changed, they can find those who are inviolable once inviolable, they can find those who touch the Hague.

Getty Pictures Former Philippine President Rodrigo Dutyte (Center), in April 19, 2018, the Philippine National Police Chief Ronald Dela Rosa (L) holds a sniper rifle with Ronald Dela Rosa (L)Getty pictures

Cutlerte will hold the age of 80 in the ICC pre-trial detention center in the Hague Dunes

The whole process of its extradition is managed by Hagga, Haga, his daughter Kitty and Dutyte’s herself were documented by himself. His plane was most watched in the flight radar.

“I will keep you guided by our law enforcement and military forces that I will protect you, and I will be responsible for all this.”

This usually provides an unique idea to an opaque process, and sometimes in real time, in a real-time, every step was served in its charter jet.

A very needy victory for ICC?

Dutyte’s arrest sends a strong signal that even strong individuals can be prosecuted for the actions of strong individuals, future abuse.

His work has been concerned about the role of ICC in connection with the role of national sovereignty, the United States, Russia and China are often raised.

The court depends on the operational arm and operating arm of the 128 members of the court.

Thus, the first night in prison in the prison in the Hague, the first night’s first night, the arrival of the first night, offered a gain of a very need.

After two high-level arrests, for Russian President Vladimir Putin, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the war in Gaza may not be able to occur in Gaza, and the arrival of the Cutler could lead to justice of the hardest atrocities.

This is a litmus test to effectively operate in an increasingly polar environment of ICC.

ICC Prosecutor Kerim Khan was recently sanctioned by Donald Trump over the arrest of Benjamin Netanyahu.

DutyTe’s eclipse gives him a strong response.

“Many say that international law is not strong,” Karim Khan said. “But international law, some are not as weak as they think. When we come together, when we set up the partnership, the rule of law may prevail.”

Getty Images Dutylere Group of Supporters Scheveningen, Hague was held in the center of arrest in the Hague. One of them occupies a green banner reading, "We love you!"Getty pictures

Dutyte’s arrest offers ICC’s increasingly polarist environment

The former Philippine President will celebrate the 80th birthday this month in the ICC prison in the Hague Dunes this month.

Once the Nazi prison complex once, each prisoner allows access to personal cells, computers, libraries and sports facilities.

If you are not satisfied with the food provided, the Cutlerte, the center of arrest has a choice to prepare their own food using a shopping list. In addition, medical services will also get access to lawyers and visitors.

He will confirm his identity and adopted the languages ​​he wanted to follow his trial and acknowledges against him, he is expected to show the appearance of his primary trial.

After this public appearance, the approval of the charges will decide that it will provide sufficient evidence to continue to be tried in connection with judges.

If the results are approved, the result may be a few months before the court and the final decision a few years ago.

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