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Players tend to like games that give them rewards, Almedia study shows

Players receiving a game to play or download, tend to feel more positive and recommend this according to a study. User Getting Company Almedia. According to the results of the study, it is especially true of the game, outside the game, as cash or gift cards, this is especially true. Users are 76% more to recommend a game that the player receives such a prize.

The study identifies “Real World Awards” as items that are material value outside the game as cash or gift cards. “Game Rewards” is virtual items that cost the game economy. Almedia’s research – the second part of the award – the United States and 2,3003 mobile players in the United Kingdom have had an atomic research. 50% of the game received real world awards to play, and 50% took the game awards. It should be noted that there is no information about players who do not receive any rewards for the study.

71% of the players who received real-world awards, after receiving them, they played more games and 85% said that no award will probably continue to play in the event of a prize. 72% added that the account is awarded the account while trying new games.

The players who received the game awards are 58%, they are likely to play a different game if they receive financial awards, while such benefits are offered, they are likely to test a new game, he said. 75% of all players participating in the survey will feel more positive about games offering such awards and 42% will play mobile games for awards or incentives.

User access and user benefits

Now the findings themselves are not surprising -, of course, players will find a charming activity if they offered a form of a real world prize. However, this is an indicator of a player who develops towards the forms of mobile monetization. Players now prefer more awarded gameplay, especially if they live in other games. Almedia itself, employs the Freecash platform that offers users a way to win a prize for gameplay.

Almedia’s research is discussing the impact of this rising expectations to both the player and the developers. 95% of the Devs used to obtain the award-based user-achieving campaigns, they felt that they have a competitive advantage and 82% said that these campaigns are superior to other UA campaigns.

Moritz Holländer, Almedia CEO, in a statement, “The deep research of the players is a suitable appetite for the reward for the premiums. It is time mode.

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