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Pokemon TCG Pocket’s New Packs Introduce Shiny Pokemon to the Game

The most coveted Pokemon Pokemon in the color spectrum reaches Pokemon TCG pocket Glowing wedding The expansion set comes on March 26.

Includes 110 new virtual card for collectors, including new bunches, Shiny Pokemon, Paldean Pokemon and new powerful Pokemon ex cards. The base set will also be available to draw a new cartoon immersive card and full art versions in normal possibilities.

The full-prescribed list for brilliant wedding is not yet available, BeedRill, Varoom, Charizard, Wugtrio, Pachirisu and Lucario have been confirmed by bright variants. If the new expansion, the Bright Vault Convention on the TCG bright Vault, if the hidden destinies are followed, there may be bright variant cards for the rest of these evolutionary lines.

As with any Pokemon TCG pocket expander, the player has funnel probability to take Pokemon EX cards. These are the new Pokemon Ex cards confirmed for a shining kit.

Linchpins of bright wedding decks


Bright Charizard EX Full art, although the greatest follow-up card in the set, which will surely be a second second in the set.


Charizard and Lucario receive additional Pokemon Ex cards in new expansion and their full art options are among the present.

However, the first Charizard Ex card chewed energy to use the strongest attack, the new card is more economical. If players have a fire energy in the new Charizard EX, you can use the Stoke movement to add three more fire energy. In three shifts, the battle can be a large boon in battle, so Charizard Pokemon TCG can find a place on the decks of pocket.

The new Lucario Ex card is a good round, but it doesn’t do anything that another card cannot do. The Aura sphere takes three battle energy to use and hits 100 damage to the opposing Pokemon, but the real lot is 30 damage to a pokemon on your opponent’s bench.

It can make a clinch option for Nabbing Award Cards from four fighters, weaker, unemployed pokemon, but the damage numbers do not pressure in the same way in other Pokemon EX.

Glossy Pokemon in Pokemon TCG


The bright base set cards are the latest Pokemon TCG.


The inclusion of the bright Pokemon of Pokemon TCG pocket is completely unprecedented. The physical Pokemon TCG has a rich and story history, including the strange pigmented monsters on the card.

For the first time, Schiniies appeared in Pokemon TCG, and the players were limited to how many can be entered into a deck. The basic forms of all the shining pokemon did not have to be considered and developed. First of all, the mechanical unique bright Pokemon appeared in the Neo fate of two main sets of generation. It was the sun and how the tires were treated until the Sun and Moon secret fapes set was released.

Hidden destinies presented the idea of ​​a bright vault for special sets that will be up to 70 bright variants printed within a TCG expansion list. These cards will work the same with any base set card or Pokemon EX.

The secret destiny set followed the Pardan Tales, which was founded for the Sword and the Shielding Period and Parkean TCG’s Sword and Violet. Between these three sets, more than 300 pokemons added to the bright tonga.

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