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PowerA teams up with Bandai Namco for licensed Pac-Man gear for 45th anniversary

Ragged partnered with Bandai Namco Entertainment America Create a game device for the 45th anniversary of Pac-May.

Pac-Man is one of the most engaged and durable game franchises of all periods. Together, Powera and Bandai will present game accessories for Xbox platforms inspired by Namco, Nintendo Switch and Pac-Man Universe.

“Pac-Man has been the cornerstone of game culture for more than four decades,” said Akio Strasser, CEO of global marketing, Ako Strasser. “When biddan namko, accessories that celebrate the rich heritage of the pac-man, as well as players offer both style
Performance. While the product is now shaking for now, fans can wait for a collective, high-quality design that honors the classic character’s time. “

“As the PACK-man reaches the 45th anniversary stage, because we got acquainted with the team with Power,” he said. “The glory to create an exceptional gaming device of the pie complies our vision to share the influence of pac-man and the inheritance with players and collector around the world.”

Compatible with more product details in this spring. Powerera, Xbox series x | You can expect to wait for the classic PAC-Man-Man styles using innovative design elements between the S and Nintendo transition. Power is a division ACCO brands.

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