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Priscilla Chan Sees AI Models of Cells as the Next Leap in Biology and Medicine

It can be difficult to find the right medication to treat terms and conditions like depression. A doctor will usually start over a medication that is well-tolerant and effective, but you can’t do anything for you – or can not have terrible side effects. Sometimes you need a few months of trial and error to find something that works.

An incredibly common issue. Dr. Priscilla Chan said he could be corrected in the southwest southwest southwest, in the event that you can check medications against a performer, doctors and systems against a generative AI model. One-combined chan Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Husband, meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said it could be the next big leap for biomedical research to use the EU.

“Hope, near the models we can answer the most difficult questions in biology,” he said.

Artificial intelligence has been a hot topic for everyone since the moment of Breakout with Chatgpt’s debut Publishing In late 2022. This week was the main focus on SXSW in SxSW in Texas, the surrounding conversations rely, accountability and The future of the work.

Two scientists with Google’s Deepmind AI unit last year Nobel winning the award Chemistry for the work they use AI to predict the composition of AI.

If it comes to how this technology has developed scientific and medicine, it may take years, if not decades. And these AI models will probably accelerate the actual laboratory research, without replacing it. But Chan sees an opportunity.

What we don’t know about ourselves

The Chan, a pediatrician, said many things that the human body worked, he made the concept of science. Of course, researchers broke the human genome, but genetics offer only one road map. Chan used the analogy of the Falcon’s LEGO set of the Millennium of Star Wars – Genetic Code is a training package. However, we do not know how individual pieces come together to form a spaceship. When part is not visible to the right, it is where it should take steps in the drug.

We have a limited understanding of how the biology works outside the gaps of scientific knowledge and how biology works in individual people. Based on a small number of samples, there are extrapolations on how the body needs to work, but is a small database that is not close to representing the diversity of humanity.

AI model can describe what is happening in an individual’s cells – can describe what is happening in an individual’s camera to distinguish your treatment.

“If we build the right information and AI models, we can better understand what makes us healthy and make us sick.”

Can AI accelerate biomedical research?

Current research methods are slow and expensive in developing new medicines and treatment. Ideas should be tested in a physical laboratory conditions, which takes a lot of time and resources.

Chan does not offer to eliminate the existing physical “age laboratory” research. However, a machine learning model – AI’s sign – can help you identify drug candidates with higher education, a significant solution can be less realistic to cross a solution.

Models will not always be right. Perhaps physically impossible ideas, maybe physically impossible ideas and opinions, so there must be a filter of real human scientists who solve the ideas produced by a model.

“It’s not going to be fully respond.” “I do not want scientists to talk to only one model and get all the necessary answers.”

Chan can help scientists find better questions. “This will be a speculation generator,” he said.

Many companies and researchers continue to develop major biological research in the focus of Chaman, while looking at the rules of use in the AI ​​hospitals and the treatment of patients. According to a potential main leap for science, according to the sequence of microscope, X-ray, MRI or human genome.

“Health and medicine, moving in the leap,” he said. “There are decades when research is stuck and then combines a new technology that completely changed how we see the human body.”

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