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Putin’s imperial mission destroys freedom in Russia

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In December 2003, Russia held parliamentary elections and pledged Moscow with Vladimir Putin’s single Russian party Campaign posters. It was reported that a map reflecting the state flag, a bear, a “strong Russia” and 145 figures from the history of Russia, for the country’s population.

This week, on the 25th anniversary of Putin’s first president, nor the Western people can say that they were not pre-warned. He said for the map A version of history Close to the heart of the former KGB agent: Russia is strong when Russia is strong; A messianic with unique qualities is a great power; And the priority of magnitude is that local competitors and provocative foreigners should be neutralized to continue their combinations behind the leader.

Posters showed Alexander Nevski, who is now the state-funded medieval fighter princess Historical Theme Parks Within the country resisting Western aggressors. The Tsar Peter, which expands the borders of Azerbaijan and strengthens the state, showed that Peter was great. Even Yusuf Stalin – not Russian, not Russian, but also the destruction of the occupants and protecting the Soviet Union and a Georgian Hurry during Putin, who was afraid of the Soviet Union.

Putin has not yet reduced the fundamental war in Ukraine – a password of Ukraine’s independence and the discussion of a Ukrainian identity of Russia. Kindness Donald Trumpcan do it. However, we must think about the Russian people, and now it will be rejected for freedoms and only like centuries.

Negotiations with the United States, if Putin can describe as a victory in Ukraine, it will hit the Russians who hoped for less political repression and a smaller militarized atmosphere in public life. Only the minority counteract the war. He supports more and others also took their heads to avoid the problems of the government. However, all knows that Putin will comment on victory as the restoration of authoritarian authorities in Ukraine.

Putin can also remember Catherine’s statement on Autocracy: “Any other form of government will not be harmful, not completely harmful to Russia.” However, in the 18th century, Empress Putin is not among the favorite historical personalities. He wrote with a voltaire with a French philosopher. With Putin’s chats Tucker Carlson.

Under Putin, repressions are not at the level of Stalin’s dictatorship when they are in millions of labor camps. Independent Russian and Western experts estimate There are at least 1,500 political prisoners. But every Galina Starovoitova, Boris Nemtsov and Alexey navalnyRussians who pay their lives for those who oppose Putin, are few, well-known Russians.

Old and young people fall to Putin’s network. This month, a military court convicted Soviet era is 16 years for criticizing the attack on Ukraine until 67, 67 years and 16 years. Arseny turbine, which is only 15 years old in November, for the war in 2023 lost a referral against a five-year imprisonment.

Putin’s conflicts related to the relations with the imperial mission in Ukraine. Zbigniew Brzezinski, former US National Security Counselor, once observed“Without Ukraine, Russia ceases to be an empire, but Russia automatically becomes an empire with subordinated and subordinated with Ukraine.” It was a valuable idea, but the effects for internal conditions are even deeper.

In order to gain fame, the builders of Russia felt that they should be subject to the community of nonsponformists to the state and hound nonsponformists as a threat to national unity. It was true Ivan is terribleThe fear of Kazan and Astrakhan conquers the khanates, the Caspian Sea and the Siberia are the fear of the road to expand the Russian. Four-centuries later Stalin was great in eastern Europe a de facto Empire amazing.

Now the same sample spreads in Putin’s Russia. In the eyes, the liberalization of the house – as under Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin – the loss of the empire and the empire was handed over with the violation of Moscow’s stand. On the contrary, local repression gives him a free hand for the mastery and even a renewed area of ​​influence on Ukraine Eastern Europe.

Therefore, the victory in the war will delay the next turn The period of Russia’s historywhich represents and at least partially follow each other as changes in freedom chapters. Vladimir Lenin’s red terror made a new economic policy. Then Stalin came, and then melted under Nikita Khrushchev. Leonid Brezhnev and his heirs toughened, but Gorbachev and Yeltsin changed all this. Now we have Putin.

Is the next Kremlin leader to be liberalized in the house while pursuing a part of this sample, a less courageous foreign policy? To a large extent, the answer depends on the outcome of the war. If Putin’s successor is the expanded area of ​​influence in Europe and maintains it in Europe, then the turn of the period against domestic reforms can be further delayed. The lesson of Russia’s past and Putin is the release of an imperial mindset for the Russian people.

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