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Reality Games raises $4.7M for location-based Monopoly World

Reality Games The local real-world monopoly closed the 6,7 million dollar seed tour to accelerate the development of the world monopoly.

The hood is equipped with great information, AI and geolocation technology. This financing is a stage in the hands of the Iconic monopoly brand in the hands of more mobile players around the world. It is aimed at changing how they interact with real world property and digital assets.

Financing angel investors and strategic supporters, including Republican angel investors, Polish Ventue and the Swiss private capital company are from the combination of angel investors and strategic supporters.

HASBRO and its 99% are prepared to redefine the mobile game with real games, immersive space-based strategy experience with the recognition of the global brand.

A new cycle of monopoly: The game meets the real-world economy

The world of monopoly, real-world property, confuses the classic board game by mixing with the property of property, AI-based evaluation and interactive gameplay. Players can buy, sell and trade in more than 100 million real world space. When awarding players from the game, branding promotions, loyalty rewards and real world benefits, the game presents a “walking” mechanic that promotes players.

With this financing, reality games began to begin in the world of a monopoly in the new global markets after a successful beginning in Poland and the Philippines. It will increase product development and increase the AI ​​solutions and expand the partnership with global brands.

Includes advisors and investors in reality games Peter MooreThe former CEO of Liverpool FC, the former COO and Sega Dreamcast and Xbox 360 launchers of electronic art.

Another consultant is Janusz Moneta, Google and the former VP of global ads in a specialist
Development of ads and applications industry and global business. Codemasters and Trading Director in Microsoft is another advisor to the former Legal Nav Sunner.

Other consultants include Yav Adan, former Google AI product device and Mariuszqiewski, the head of Apps and Games on the angel investor and Google.

“This 4.7 million seeds are a series of Series A series of round reality games, the next stage of growth.

Reality Games were established in 2015 and so far geolocation properties of geolocation such as more than 30 million downloads, the geolocation property has been able to grow in shopping games. There are 65 people in the company, London, England and Kraków, in Poland are offices.

The world of monopoly is currently in a soft start in Poland and the Philippines. He successfully passed early market tests and exceeded 20,000 downloads.

The monopoly world reuses the classic board game by integrating real world property ownership, AI-based evaluation and interactive gameplay. Players can buy, sell and trade over 100 million real world places, bringing the monopolistic experience to the real world. One of the most interesting mechanics, the players ‘walking in a walk’, which encourages players to investigate their environs. These premiums are a new way to deal with brand promotions, loyalty programs and real world benefits, not only a game, but also a game of monopoly.

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