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Reddit’s rule check feature will help users avoid breaking subreddit rules

Reddit More lurkers announced several vehicles that are designed to encourage to participate in the discussions on the website. One of the new tools called the Rules Voucher will make it easier to see that it is potentially against a Subreddit’s rules. Before you submit your article, you can tap the stick icon in the lower right corner of the post composer you can see in the photo above. This will emphasize something in the writing that can pose a Subreddit’s rules. Reddit will start to test her feature on iOS and Android before leaving a wider.

Another new vehicle named post recovery will show a request if you write due to community rules. Speed ​​contains a notification on removal, along with a passage, which allows you to quickly share your deleted articles quickly to SubredDit. To make sure that you sent the first place in the right society, Reddit now will now offer relevant communities based on what you type in the upper left corner of the composer. It will now show you whether a society has the requirements of the account age or minimum karma points.

The last tool is probably the most useful if you encourage products and services in Reddit. Post Insights will show you how much works are working when it comes to working, how much your posts will show you how many views, share, share, share, share, and show you the crossposts. Except for the rules check, all these tools are already available on the Reddit website and mobile app.

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