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Researchers uncover unknown Android flaws used to hack into a student’s phone

Amnesty International said that Google has made unknown defects, which allow unknown defects, authorities.

Friday, Amnesty International has released a report Explains a chain in detail for zero daily vulnerabilities After researching the hack of the phone’s protest in Serbia in Serbia, he was developed by Cellebrite, who unlocked the phone found by researchers. Defects, “Sensitivity is not limited to a certain device or seller and can affect a billion android device,” he said.

Zero days are errors in products when the software or hardware manufacturers are known. Zero days allow criminal and government hackers to enter systems more effectively because there is still no patches that make them.

In this case, Amnesty said that for the first time in mid-2024 defects in the middle of a situation in one situation. Then, after investigating the hack of a student activist in Serbia, the organization shared his findings with Google’s Hack intake analysis group, which leads the researchers of the company to determine and correct three separate defects.

Amnesty researchers found USB exploitation during the use of the active telephone telephone phone, the use of Serbian bodies to unlock the activist’s phone.

Cellebrite spokesman belongs to Victor Cooper when it reaches for comment a comment The company was published earlier this week.

In December, Amnesty stated that he found two cases Serbian officials, an activist and a journalist used Cellebrite to open their phones and then installed an Android spy program known as Novispy. This week ago, Cellebrite announced The Serbian client stopped using his technology after the amnesty’s claims by the amnesty.

“After reviewing the claims resulted in the amnesty international report dated December 2024, Cellebrite, our ethics and integrity, we saw that our products were appropriate to stop using appropriate customers,” Cellebrite said.

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Do you have more information about the government spy program and its manufacturers? You can contact securely signal with a unemployed device, Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai +1 917 257 1382 or Telegram and Keybase @lorenzofB or Email. You can also contact TechCrunch Secretary.

In the new report, Amnesty said that in January, the Serbian Security Information Agency has contacted a young activist’s device to analyze (Security and awareness agency or biya) at the end of last year.

“His detention and behavior of IDA employees were seriously adapted to the modus operandi, which was used against protesters and documented in our report in December. The trial of the device in January has confirmed the use of Cellebritin on a student activist’s phone.

In other cases, the authorities used a cellbrite device to unlock “Amnesty or legal sanctions” without the “without knowledge or consent of Samsung A32” without the consent of the Samsung A32 of the Samsung A32.

“To use the right to use the right to expression and peaceful assembly, the Cellebrite program seemingly worked” wrote amnesty “and therefore a violation of the human rights law cannot be a legitimate goal.”

A large researcher Bill Marczak in the civil laboratory, digital law organization examining the spy program, wrote in x These activists, journalists and members of civil society should consider passing by “protest, border, etc.) by the authorities.

Touching on Cellebrite’s tools, Head of the Amnesty Security Laboratory Donncha and Cearthhaill, TechCrunch “The farose of such tools leaves me fearing that we are affected by these products.”

Google did not respond to the desire to comment immediately.

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