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Revolutionary Girl Utena Is as Lynchian as Shojo Anime Has Ever Been

As the years passed, critics and everyday people came to determine the media as “Lynchian” Video games, Moviesand TV shows Wakes up the quality of the late Areur’s dream David Lynch. Although the majority of those described as a lynx, inspire seminal work Twin tops Through the referential nod, no show, lynch-in ephemeral vibe ephemer vibe ephemeral vibe ephemer-medical story anime anime series Revolutionary girl Utena.


Revolutionary girl Utena, In 1997, JC is animated in 1997, the same name in 1997 is an anime adaptation of the Manga series of Saiton’s Manga series. The story is obedient to a Tomboy princess named Utena Tenjo after his parents and promises to meet a prince presenting the rocket and will meet again in the future. Instead of resigning himself to be a princess, Utena decides to live with the idea that he saved him as a princess.

This inevitably includes a number of duels in a number of duels, a girl named Anthy Himemia, for a number of duels, an Athy Himemia, with members of an Atena’s school. Classmates, Anty, using the world revolution to make a slightly vague concept, the weapon of Utena takes the bride of the flower.

Revolutionary girl Utena Tenjo Anime (1)
© JC staff

At first glance, Revolutionary girl Utena It looks like a button a fantasy series, dedicated to repetitive weekly battles in the first half of the season. Failed, each episode reflects the enemies that each episode faced the vice-emblem of a deadly sin before UTEA was difficult to make a duel. Utena rises a spiral staircase to a Caucus Anthem, which has a similar way to a similar way, the words of birth and fate; exposed to a fantastic, magical girl transformation; defeats them (often). Among these beasts and back sandwiches, goofy taxes in Absurdist Anime-Isms: Spicy curry food a Feaky Friday Body replacement; The boys above the boys in Utenna basketball are judged for being a boy-girl; And the schemes of the student council schemes, while the tovuyan boxes exposed to the heavens during the lashes in the melody of sensitive jazz.

Approve Twin tops, Heena Builds a rhythm out of a squeeter who threatens to be aimless. Its overlapping secrets, sequitur eliminates the time to respond to non-sequitur antiques, the time is pressed to respond to everywhere. When Heena Really, “This is not a journey and destination,” it begins to feel like one of the rompsies, which crawls things up to 11 with a real revolution.

Revolutionary girl Utena anime
© JC staff

Find the meaning of absurd

Agent Dale Cooper looks like the arrival of a sleepy city Twin tops When Laura Faced with Mysterious Death of Palmer, Utena’s Duels Voley has a double meaning. Each duel is a character study where the Automori Academy, including Utena, including Utena, including himself or to cope or cope or die. Not in the literal sense (mostly), but people and the past will last a metaphorically to leave the idolized memories and move forward. Everyone has bulleted glasses, and the nostalgia hinders the illusions that violate the rich school terrarium. By saving his anti and enemies, Utena Prince pushes themselves to save themselves.

One whipped shojo from a fantasy series to a meditation equal to Neon genesis evangelion Not a small feat, but Heena It is so elegant. This feat is relayed in the form of a true lynch, in the form of a true lynch, in the form of a true lynch. In the previous repetitive line supply, a YouTuber-esque pointing or dinging in objects that are accompanied by or showing or showing the shone on a stage. As the last, the silhouettes of the silhouettes of the two ladies are visible, as soon as the anime’s love and revolution closed directly to the theme, a complete theater goes in a game like Tangential. The show has a lot to chew with heavy symbolism approach to deleting information to the viewers, but also happens with inter-parliamentary dialogue.

Revolutionary girl Utena Tenjo Anime
© JC staff

When the characters in Utena felt in a way, they aggressively express it. He will remove all the air from the lungs, whispering each other’s insecurity or holds his tongues so that the silence speaks. The Englishman can be accused of being able to easily be wooden and awkward Twin topsYou never mixed with truths and motivations that control the characters to achieve their goals. Although players do not realize the truth facing faces, everything is put naked to see. Serial, as the middle season is outside the middle and the barrel, “who kills” the show in the arc of “who kills” the show, as nanami and bratty characters ‘most powerful’ characters, make them in ink sounds.

© Sunrise / Crunchyroll

Inactive influence

Visual, Heena Was referred to the anime, Western cartoonsand comic books like Sailor, One piece, Code gases, Full backmanistO-ra, Steven Universe, and Scott pilgrim. Serial also served as the main room Mobile Costume Gundam: Witch with mercuryAnime writer is clear when you think Ichiro Okuouchi has contributed to Anime Code GEASS).

Heena‘s silent character design and landscape is one of the best honey traps of Anime. Despite the modest appearance, Utena is a shoo series standing in shoulder with prominent Josei and Seinen series Nana and Berserk. Looks like the titles mentioned above, Heena It is not afraid to explore abusive relationships, to fight for autonomy and take non-linear steps for recovery. His relationships are more messier than they look like, even the other than Utena and Anty. Many others face the sister-to-sister-sister complexes. All series are excessively attractive and twisting and full of verses.

Many Heena Fan, numerous hoods and additional youtube video essays, depth of the series depth, depth of the character, and where there is a place where the result of its outcome (Utena adulthood) Like any lynching, the “Why” is less important than intestinal feeling when you are looking for concrete and clinical intent, looking for concrete and clinical intent in “why” behind “why”. A number of any number from Anime, against the patriarchy, the very subtle Queer representation or strangle from heartbreaking revolutions to how to look for comfort in nostalgia. As you look at it, Revolutionary girl Utena It is a lynx anime that is both time and time.

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