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Scientists Find Giant Organic Molecules on Mars as Old as Life on Earth

The team of scientists discovered the longest organic molecules seen in Mars, the fourth of the Sun, the fourth planet and humanity on earth.

Today, Mars are inaccessible with a pearl of substantial temperature fluctuations, a thin atmosphere and liquid water on the surface of the planet. However, according to a new study, published Today, in the trial of the National Academy of Sciences, the extensive molecules in Mars are probably in the world-old, old and ancient Mars in ancient Mars.

Molecules are long carbon chains with 12 carbon atoms in a row. Molecules, about 3.7 billion years in Mars, geological activity, hydration, wet or heat. Belongs to the same time with molecules The earliest known signs of life on our planet.

Mars has risen to Mars for years that reveal the new details of the planet ancient environment. The key to this environment is a useful element for both vital and vital molecules, including both life and DNA and RNA. The release of the French National Scientific Research Center (CNRS), carbon chains, “on earth can demonstrate similar features on earth.”

The discovery of these organic molecules presents crucial views in early Mars, but it is not evidence of the past or present life. When we say that this is what it is, we know that there are buildings that are necessary for life, and we know that Mars may have the necessary conditions for support.

“In this study, the source of these organic molecules may be established in this study, or in Mars, or the author of hydrothermal activities of hydrothermal activity),” said NASA’s Goddard Space Flying Center and the author of the paper, on an e-mail.

The team, which includes scientists with CNRS and several other institutions, made finds using a sample analysis in the Mars (SAM) laboratory. SAM contains a gas chromatograph and mass spectrometer that allows you to identify isolated molecules in samples collected by Rover. There is interesting Organic substances were seen Earlier Martian in mudstones, but new studies still describe the longest chains defined. Finding long carbon chains in Mars, because NASA scientists show that the signs of life or at least in the way they are looking for signs of life on earth.

The interesting is still strong, but the heirs in the mission of understanding the oldest past of Mars is already on the way. ESA Exomatives Mission and Joint Nasa-Esa to start in 2028 Return to Mars Sample The mission will help the scientists better appreciate in the ancient past and proxy in the proxy in the ancient life potential on their surface.

“The discovery of long chains protected in the ancient sediment rocks in Mars (and the discovery of a long-termed hydrocarbon discovery of a long-destroyed hydrocarbon, which can share similar features on earth,” said Bennu and Ryugu Asteroids by Osiris-Rex and Hayabusa2 missions After returning from Bennuids and Ryugu, they returned by Osiris-Rex and Hayabusa2 missions that Amino acids (DNA and RNA components) and the components of Nucleobaz (DNA and RNA) and widespread blocks will be delivered to Mars. “

“But a million dollars is a question: This basic chemical construction blocks have been living in cells in cells in cells in cells and more complex structures in cells in cells, which are larger and more complex?” Added Glavin.

Liquid water was once in wide reservoirs and lakes in Mars. Now dry dried, space agency rovers, once exploring humid environments, is given in order to explore moisturs, which are available in the aggregate, looking for primitive life signs. Scientists saw Signs of liquid water Under the surface of the March, the scientists will definitely require more inspections before such speculative findings.

A Sam replica in NASA Goddard.
A Sam replica in NASA Goddard. Photo: Caroline Freissinet

Found in 2023 determination Rover Protected organic molecules An indicator that once in the Mars is once available on a red planet, but once we know once, as we know the terms.

New methods Mars can facilitate the symptoms of life and perhaps a time there explained how life can exist there once life barren and false.

Outside Mars, the release of CNRS stated that the same international teams will build a tool like Sam YoungSaturn, who started in the middle of the 2030’s, a square to investigate Satellite Titan.

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