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Scientists Highlight Surprising New Threat to Satellites: Climate Change

The changing climate of the earth is not only affected by the planet’s oceans, wildlife and agriculture, can also affect the surrounding space. The new research is investigating the impact of greenhouse gases in the upper atmosphere of the earth, shows that it will be able to shrink with time and will be able to catch as many satellites as it is now.

Using the simulation of carbon emissions over time, a group of scientists from the MIT project is forecasted in the ability of the lower ground orbit to carry satellite satellite. He was underlyed that as the upper atmosphere decreases, the trash will last longer and the resulting reduction in the atmosphere can increase the risk of collision in space. The team forecasts that the most popular regions have been reduced to 50 to 66% due to greenhouse gases since 2100 learn Monday Nature Sustainability.

“As the greenhouse gas concentrations rise, but a cool and cool atmosphere, not a cool and cool atmosphere, Mezosphere and Thermosphere,” William Parker, Graduate Student The Aeronautics and Astronautics Department in the MIT, Gizmodo said. “The thermosphere gradually plays a role in dragging Square on orbital litter by removing space. However, as atmospheric contracts due to the increase in greenhouse gas waste, garbage remains longer orbit, increases the risk of escaping cascade collision scenario. “

The thermosphere is where the international space station and other satellites are orbit. Currently, more than 10,000 satellites are dragged with low ground orbit. Chances of collision between rising waste and space shipping will lead to the creation of more space garbage. This will reduce the number of satellites that can operate in low ground orbit within the same risk limit today.

Greenhouse gases move like a blanket, the troposphere warms the surface and returns the cause, the parker explained. The temperature in the troposphere is less heat and lead to the upper atmosphere. In addition, the thermal thermal greenhouse gases flapped by greenhouse gases.

“These two contributions lead to a long-term cooling in the stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. This cooling is caused,” Parker said. “If you put a balloon to any freezer, as the balloon decreases as the temperature falls.” The same happens in a global scale with an upper atmosphere.

After the researchers, researchers simulating various scenarios in previous scenarios in the previous scenarios of days and others in the same level and others in the climate change in the climate change (SSPs). The increase in waste over time caused a significant reduced capacity through low ground orbit.

“Without the atmosphere, the majority of space debris would remain indefinitely in orbit,” Parker said. “Like the atmosphere, the garbage increases the risk of longer, active satellites. We can place fewer garbage generating events with the growing results of space.”

With the approximate reduction of the number of satellites in low ground orbit, research may lead to the cascade of “escaping instability” or clashes that satellites can not operate there in a certain area.

As the spacecraft continues to grow unprecedentially, it is a demand for space ship on earth. There were 35% in 2023 increase Earth in the total number of active satellites. This count will increase over time.

After the study, the researchers show that actively measures were made today, as well as better decisions on better decisions of the number of satellites. “More satellites have been launched in the last five years, the previous 60 years old” said Parker. “One [the] The main things we are trying to understand are that we are continuously in the way we are in our us today. “

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