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Scientists Kept People’s Eyes Open While They Slept, Revealing Surprising Brain Activity

Although we are a time to strengthen sleep energy and fill our energy, our brains remain surprisingly when we are in a rest. In fact, it goes behind our eyelids, which is more closely connected than we thought, according to a researcher group that analyzes eye movements recently.

One learn Nature communications, published on Wednesday, analyzed the students of the field participants in the historical journal Wednesday. Research shows that our students are constantly changing when we are unconscious, show different levels Brain activation– Answer to the brain stimuli. With additional investigation, doctors can use student activities under conditions like sleep disorders.

The dynamics of the student “reflects the level of brain activation in the regions responsible for the rules of waking up or sleep,” said Caroline Lustenberger, ENH ZIrich, an Neurocientist in ENH Zürich, co-author of education at a university statement. “These observations are actually contrary to the possibility that the orousal level is low during sleep.”

Part of the brain regulating Lokus Coeruleus-activity levels – is located in the cerebral and the researchers are difficult to learn while people are asleep. As the student is known to reflect the brain activity, Lustenberger and colleagues and colleagues are also likely to be used to keep track of brain activation.

The team claims to be the first to follow the eye movements for the first time in a few hours of sleep and I know what you think: How? This article is not a stock photo of the feature – it really shows how they do. Researchers hit an open eye of each participant, moisturized with an eye ointment, and then sealed behind a transparent bandage.

“Our main concern was that the test of tests could not be openly sleeping. But most people are still open and succeeded in sleep,” said Manuel Carro Domínguez, ETH Zürich, who invented biomedical engineers and equipment in ETH Zürich, said the author of the study inventing biomedical engineers and technology.

In general, the student movement of the participants demonstrated that the level of activation has always changed during sleep. According to researchers, the finding confirms a biological feature in people Previous studies was documented in rodents.

The team also noted a contact between the dynamics of the dynamics of the dynamics of the dynamics associated with sleep and memory consolidation, including samples of sleep and concrete brain activity. In addition, the intensity of the brain’s reaction depends on the level of activation as shown by the students of the participants. However, research did not prove whether the lokus was a direct impact on the dynamics of the coeruleus.

“We are simply observing the student’s changes in the level of activation and heart activity,” Lustenberger explained. The team aims to explore this potential dynamics, as well as how to influence how the level of activation affects the sleep and a persecution. If they find a powerful cause relationship, a day to discover the riots such as the movement, insomnia and traumatic stress disorder, or even a Restoration of a commatose patient.

If the eyes are windows in the spirit, but if the team’s research shows the research, no doubt it is windows to the brain!

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