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Scientists Scan Mysterious Planet as It Drifts Through Space

Every cloud layer is thought to be the reason for the change in the situation of the SIMP 0136 as the brightness of the SIMP 0136 is rotated. It is easy to understand what you think of the Jupiter because a gas giant planet is a similar structure and chemical composition.

Or try to imagine the surface of the earth for another way to take pictures, Philip Muirhead of Boston University New paper These findings are noted about Simp 0136.

In the picture, astronomy can be an external space planet cad and place

An image of an Aurora that can be a composition similar to SIMP 0136.

Photo: NASA / ESA / J. Nichols (University of Leicester); Presentation: A. Simon (NASA / GSFC) / Opal Team

In addition, the infrared light, which shows the blue lines in the above figure, comes from the high layer of the SIMP 0136 atmosphere above cloud layers.

As these differences in infrared radiation, as these differences are caused by fraud, because the fraudulent radiation is thought to be 0136 brightness, because the temperature changes from the ground to the planet. In addition, researchers saw hotspots that the planet infrared is especially bright. They believe that this can be caused by Auroras, which is already approved by the observations of the radio wave.

However, all changes in infrared brightness are difficult to explain only with cloud and temperature change. For this reason, the research team may have fields in the SIMP 0136 atmosphere, which concentrates carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide, and these areas can affect the infrared brightness, such as the planet’s rotation.

This story originated first String Japan and translated from Japanese.

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