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Silver lining in another stormy technological market

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Shares In the past two years, investors have made a profit in the market market that can join discoveries such as the Internet, such as AI’s next game variable technology.

On top of that, investors felt optimistic about the general economy. The federal spare increased interest rate and trailing the pace to start downs and rocked on the road. The Central Bank has reduced this autumn in this past, and said that it will follow more. In this background, growth shares, as well as developing such companies in better economic environments, increasing growth reserves – it is easy to expand and customers generally have more money to spend products and services.

All this went on NASDAQ in 2023 and increased by 28% last year. But in recent weeks, this sunny market environment was storm. President Donald Trump Declared tariffs on importA movement that can take prices, damage inflation higher and corporate gain. As a result, the NASDAQ fell into an adjusted zone with more than 10% of the last high in December. But the good news is: Although the AI ​​reserves are currently falling, they still remain silver in this storm market. Here is it.

A investor looks at something on a phone while working at home.
Picture source: Getty Images.

So first see a fast look at some losses we see in recent times. Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA)The best AI ChipMaker in the world, 15% collapsed in the last month; AI software company Palant Technologies 17% hind during that period; and AI voice specialist Soundhound ai 12% lost. And the list continues …

In general, it is important not to forget that the AI ​​prospects are not changed in the near future due to these companies and technology and technology and growth players, economic uncertainty or potential slowdown. Analysts predict a complex annual growth rate when it says about 35% for the AI ​​market will be more than $ 1 trillion after 2030.

And we have a number of specific arguments that may occur. Companies Meta platforms (NASDAQ: Meta) for Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: Googl) Expenses have increased to support AI programs. Meta said he would spend up to $ 65 billion this year and plan to build a part of the Manhattan, which is a data center. The alphabet said that this year has planned capital costs $ 75 billion this year, and many of which will be directed to servers, information centers and the network.

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