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Supercade heads toward a reissue to recapture the golden age of video games

Supercade Van Burnham was a large coffee table book that seized the visual history of the games in 1971-1984 in Ode, Golden Age.

Now Golden Age, Burnham’s SuperCade book takes a reissue towards a reissue direction thanks to a successful Kickstarter Crowdfunding campaign. Last night, the campaign collected $ 50,347 to $ 34,000. More than 259 people supported it, to go to the 19-day campaign.

The supercade, which describes the visual and visual language of the golden age of history, inheritance and videoaming and documenting a visual language, comes so early. I want to say that I went through this date and it does not appear so before, because the memories of the game and arcade are so fresh in my opinion.

But this time it was decades ago. Thirty years ago, Burnham worked as a production designer for a magazine in New York City. The World Wide Web was new and he set up other nerds nests who shares the love of Vintage Videogames.

The original Odyssey will scan and share textbooks from the console and included in the heated debates whether KC is Munchkin! A better Pac-Man was a better port than the official version of Atari. He still says it’s.

Burnham thought about what was written about the games he played in the 70-80s. One day, he went to Rizzoli on Broadway and asked if they wanted: “Technology” section: Scott Cohen and the rise of the game and collapse David Sheff (the favorite book about the game). This was the true sense of the word.

Supercade is born again.

Thus, he began to investigate the supercade. As he imagines what the book will happen, it took the history of video and computer games and received a publishing house. Original Supercade Book – I made a short chapter for chronicles in the history of the Xbox – in 2003 with 448 pages. Then Burnham wrote Supercade: Video game visual history of age – 1985-2001Publish this book in 2023.

Now Burnham will document the early history of the gaming industry in 1971-1984 and will be more comprehensive than an original book from more than 500 full color. Burnham also works on the creation of the Supercade Museum.

“I would always like to publish another Hardcover, because honestly people wanted for more than 20 years,” Balatham said in a message in a message in the gamebeat message. “Lol. I really wanted to make it right, first to imagine the book. With Supercade Museum Ayzenberg’s space gallery in Alpha and the next exhibition, the second generation and ‘golden age’ seemed to be the perfect time. “

Supercade Sequel's Xbox pages.
Supercade Sequel’s Xbox pages.

He said he would try to make sure to distract any of the supporters and contributors. Color TV game. Laser command. Magic. Reissue will be the same in style and format, although improved print features and new content with new content.

Burnham said he did not dream that in four hours in four hours – an hour – an hour faster.

Supercade Museum

“I am very grateful for the support I have earned from the game industry and Kickstarter Community,” said Burnham. “I think that this date is really a rezoning with younger generations … This technology has almost deeper evaluation.

The more this project is, the more the book will be.

“I added an extra seventy page for Sequel and I have increased the print run,” he said. “Nothing exits, the SuperCade collection, now one of the most important archives of video and computer games, works, art and ephemera, allowing you to record the history and play the original games that will be played for future generations.”

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