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Telcos ‘Dumb Pipes’ EU races to switch to effective technological players

Director General of the Telecommunications Company of South Korea Niant SK told CNBC that the EU helps to improve the effectiveness of telecommunications companies.

Manaure Quintero | AFP | Getty pictures

Barcelona – Global Telecommunications makes progress in key technologies, such as artificial intelligence, after being considered “dumb pipes” behind the Internet.

The Mobile World Congress Technology Conference in Barcelona, ​​the heads of more than one telecom, new technological innovations, including AI, the next generation 5G and 6G networks, satellite internet and even smart cities, he said.

President of the Japanese telecom giant and CEO Makoto Takahashi KddiTakyoWa Gateway City Dubled plans to build a clever city, as well as spreading the internet connection of the cell satellite directly as partnership Elon Musk Starlink enterprise.

The largest mobile network operator in Africa Ralph Mupita was on stage to share the company, both wireless connection, insurance, lending and money transfers, and to share how interactive steps to be a company offering Fintech services.

“The TELCO business served us well. After that, the future is really related to the future of platforms,” ​​Mupita was aggressively suppressed by the company’s media influx and financial services.

‘Dumb tubes’ ‘techcos’

In the last few years some lingo collecting steam in the Telco industry have “Techco,” the phrase “Telko” and “Tech” Portmanteau.

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The term applies to the idea of ​​a telco company that works as a technological company – investing in advanced technology and offers digital services to consumers to make money from important capital expenditures to improve wireless services.

As technical giants in two decades Meta, Google, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Netflix In a world can be delivered to people’s devices directly, consumers can communicate without problems and can be saved online online online online or online can be saved online online or online online.

However, these innovations are only to the point where Telecom firms activate the business models, the Internet connection, only to the point where the inherit players are only there to sleep cables and other network infrastructure.

A dilemma won telko brands, “Dumb pipes” on the penalty term “.

“When the SMS was introduced by the killer, Hatem Dowidar, the State Telecom company owned by the State Telecom E &, MWC, he said.” We have prepared messaging revenues. We used it according to the vote. “

“All this was broken by the most over the years, today many TVs around the world, are reduced to be a lot of telcos to get inside networks,” Dowidar added. “And the competition still stays. There are scalpers, they also have an investment to go and further violate.”

Embrace the Telcos AI

Ryu Young-Sang, CEO SK TelecomCNBC’s Arjun Kharpal told Kharpal that the telecommunications giant in the telecommunications giant helped him in a consistent in the kiosks of MWC to help improve the efficiency of the wireless network.

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“TELKOS has two sides of AI. One as a user, the other is like a supplier,” he said. “As a user, you can develop network efficiency, marketing and customer service using AI technology. You can develop your own operations.”

“Another aspect, AI, a growth engine, a new job for Telkos can have a new job,” he said. Information centers, such as ChatGPT, the facilities that offer the calculation ability to activate the need to launch the applications are another key area that telecom can play a key role.

In the Western world, the Data Centers are mainly one of the cloud computing giants – or “hyperscalers” or “Hiperscalers” or “Hiperscalers” for example, Amazon, Microsoft and Google. At the same time, SK Telecom expands its ready-made information centers with its global scale with the implementation of the CEO of the Company.

Can Telfos catch in Tech?

For many telecom industrial analysts, talking about telecost players who want to convert themselves to technological players are not completely new – the relevance of companies in the industry has long been aware of the relevance and media.

Knest Mann, CCS’s information, KnbC, who is in KNBC, which is not a big fan of CCS’s term, it continues to focus in the industry and has gathered a pace in the industry.

“AI can affect so much area … and openly plays TechnCo and operators more than just a contact provider and play for this trend to operators,” he said.

It is important that the Western world is headed by AI, Bret Taylor says

Networks, which can be managed and corrected with “autonomous networks” or limited human control, Nick Willetts, are a fast-drawn area in the industry, according to Nick Willetts.

“Autonomous Networks are an action we have seen, thanks to the advances in combined with a new level of EU levels and industrial levels,” he said.

This technology “opened a step-by-step change in operational and capital efficiency, opening EBITS and free cash flows, as well as new income opportunities, and the new income opportunities and the opportunities in customer practice are very needed,” he said.

Jeetu Patel, a giant dog product officer CiscoEU has seen that the demand for network traffic and bandwidth requires a very important role in driving.

“The reality is: The network bandwidth appetite intends to increase exponentially with AI,” Patel CNBC said. “Today, 100% of our workforce is human. Tomorrow, AI agents, robots, humanoids will be expanding by many extraneous devices.”

“These agents intend to talk more and will require more network traffic and bandwidth,” he said. “I think that the service provides plays an important role to play. The opportunity in my mind is not going for them.”

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