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The Assad regime kept these 6 Syrian children in 2013 with his parents. Where is it now?

Children’s school clothes were hung into the door. Their academic work books laid on their own tables. The toys covered in dust are still sitting on the ground.

This, Naila al-Abbasi, how his sister in Syria found Rania’s apartment, and with six children and entered the secret network of the former regime and the hidden network of the past.

Al-Abbasi traveled from Saudi Arabia to visit the city northwest of the Syrian capital, the northwest of Damascus, in the north-west of Damascus and the house of February 25.

“The crime smell fills the house. They mourned the walls and curtains,” said Al-Abbasi Instagram.

Found every corner covered in dirt. The carcasses of birds flying home were scattered on the ground.

He was once a bright and busy house to six children: Dima, 13; Pistishan, 12; Najah, 11; Alaa, 8; Ahmed, 6; and lyan, 1.

Pictures of young children in a collage.
In January, the human rights network called on the Assad regime’s security agencies and called ‘immediate and comprehensive’ investigations related to dozens of children and identity bodies. (Syrian network for human rights)

For years, Rhana’s brother Hassan al-Abbasi demanded information about where they were.

In the last December, Bashar al-Assad searched for children actively after the exaggeration of the government. However, his calls were unanswered without any words in the family’s fate since March 2013.

“The situation is very difficult, because none of the children emerged, and this first went home for the first time,” Hassan said CBC told CBC from Ottawa, who lived with his wife and children.

“It was very painful.”

Children are transferred to the children’s homes

On March 9, 2013, Assad’s military intelligence members captured Rania al-Abbasin’s husband, Abdul Rahman Yasin, with three cars, computers and mobile phones, computers and mobile phones, computers and mobile phones, with the property documents of the property and al-Abbasin.

Two days later, members of intelligence, six children and secretaries with Assembly Al-Qadiy returned to arrest, along with Assembly Al-Qadiy.

Parents are accused of humanitarian assistance to those in need during the Syrian Revolution in March 2011.

Al-Abbasi’s case was one of the most popular in Syria, and children of both parents and children.

According to the report of other prisoners, Hassan remained with Rania, which was in the reports of transfer or origin or liability of children or family and family. However, it is impossible to check without access to the documents of organizations.

The disappearance of complete families is one of the most common atrocities committed by Assad’s brutal procedure.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights has received reports of this experience a few years ago and said that the alleged organizations allegedly participated in organizations such as Syrian children’s villages.

One statement According to CBC on February 25, the organization acknowledges the concerns about Syrian children’s villages, including Syrian children’s villages, including Syrian children’s villages. “

“During the war, many children were unnecessarily separated from their families and were placed in alternative care services by authorities not documented by their origin.”

To arrest children, families are systematic

Hassan, prison officials and members of the family’s Rania and his family for any information about thousands of dollars for thousands of dollars, but no approved information and the knowledge of their knowledge are not provided.

He visited the Paternal Aunt of the Children’s Paternal Aunt in 2013 to demand the release of children after the detention of the Syrian pre-trial detention. The aunt was arrested for three months later.

“Children and their families were systematically arresting. The regime could return children to their relatives, but they threatened to arrest them,” he said.

He said the family had children to look at his or her house in 2022 and placed their children in prisons or killed. It did not answer either.

A young child in a medium photo, between the photos created by two pieces.
Ahmet Abdel Rahman Yasin, the son of Rania Al-Abbasin, born in 2007, would be 17 or 18 years old. The photos on the left and right were created by Ai to show that he can be seen to help his relatives who search for him. (Submitted by Hassan Al Abbasi)

In the following years, Hassan was reported by an employee in the orphanages of children, who recognized four of the six children even if the names are changed. Despite the attempts to reach them, Hassan could not check it.

“These children have grown in our house … If you kill them, if you send any photo to us, we will at least be killed,” he will be killed, “he said.

At least 3,700 children disappeared

Although the Syrian Network for Human Rights, the approved lists have been forcible by the Assad regime since 2011, many said the number of many is higher.

SNHR in late January call The transition to the Syrian government will investigate the “immediate and comprehensive” with all organizations receiving a child from the past.

“Many relatives, the families of the families – the child, mother and father – in these organizations, there are so many children in these organizations,” Hassan said.

Clock | In 2013, the search for his children in Syria:

Their sons arrested in Syria in 2013; This Father wants to know if it is still alive

After the deportation of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Hosni Corno, in 2013, he was still alive in the height of Arab spring.

SOS Children’s villages, under new management changes, began to receive children with documents only in 2018.

“We saw that we unequivocally rejected ourselves, because they unequivocally rejected such experiences, because they unequivocally rejects such experiences, because they should never leave their families.”

The fate of Rania al-Abbasin is unknown with hundreds of thousands of other prisoners in Assad’s prisons. After the fall of the Assad regime, mass graves were discovered, but may take years to determine the remains.

The father believed to be killed after a month

Hassan said that the family was tortured and killed after being tortured and arrested in prison. After this conclusion of Abdul Rahman recognized Yasin, in one of the 53,000 photos shared by the Syrian military police, Caesar Dubleyi was “Caesar” to remove the torture and brutal deaths in Assad’s prisons.

In the following years, Hassan said they wanted people to enter Al-Abbasi and Yasi’s house from their relatives and want to see what was behind it. However, they were still afraid of administrators or intelligence officers.

A young girl.
The younger of six children would be Dima Yasin, 24 or 25. The photos on the left and right are now created to suggest who can look like. (Presented by Hassan al-Abbasi)

Hassan is the fact that the greater concern of his family is in children or even in the country.

“We do not believe. If they die, then the martyrs. If they did not die, we continue to look for them.”

“This is a disaster from many things. So far, we have not reached the true level of these crimes – we have reached only one part.”

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