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The Beef Tallow Skin Care Trend Smells Like a Scam

Who needs vaccines and vanicream, when raw milk and beef tallow? This is what the Internet thinks anyway. Tiktok (or Tallowtok) is currently laundered with a miraculous moisturizer (yes, fat made from cow) with dodas with depotes. By March 2025, there are more than 68.5 million writing. Cash in brands, while those who influenced and later coups, Tallow from Suetor smear beef Lard In their skin, think Tallow (this is not).

Lifting on industrialized beauty, is the mirrors of concerns about ultra-processed food. This The same people who escaped seed oils Looking for beef-fat balms for their faces now in their diets – it’s not a coincidence Robert F. Kennedy Jr. It is sold for “Rain up frying oil” Merch. But you can overlook other risks, to overcome toxins and stick to large corporations. I bought it a little on the Internet and I got into myself to figure it out.

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A short land history

The cow oil like a face cream is not as much as you can think of. For centuries, surface animal oils and beef, Lard and Lanolin-skin care. Babylonians Used for gloves soap for ash and shows. Over time, Tallow prepare early candles and found the way to medicines. The nineteenth-century ointments rely on them to treat everything from burns and skin and treat them to the ingrown nails. Traditional soap was close and a mixture of coconut oil and early lipstick Mixed animal oils and beywax. Some tattoo artists will still recommend beef Tallow soaps to protect the ink.

In the 1990s, the progress in the field of cosmetic chemistry preferred the plant-based and synthetic alternatives that gave more stability and consistency. Security concern The surrounding Bovine Spongiform Enseefalopathy (Crazy cow disease) The companies also wanted companies that removed animals from the origin. Modern skin care such as collagen, hyaluronic acid and keratin, Tallow (mainly) left behind.

But now, the beef returns back to Tallow.

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This revival is part of a cultural obsession with an ancestor’s survival. This is the same impulse that manages the popularity of Karnevore dietBone broth and pasteurized milk. Grand View Research Reports The US Tallow market won $ 627.9 million in 2023 and is projected to exceed $ 1 billion by 2030. The denial of modernity in its nucleus is the belief that the industry is violated and the past is the past. The beauty industry with protective items, emulsifiers and laboratory formulas became the enemy. Tallow, on the contrary, is framed as a touchless turn.

Beef is Tallow Rich in triglycerides It also contains vitamins A, D, K, E and B12. Some studies show that Talogah has made fatty acid concentration, a moisturizing agent. But Comparative studies They found that there were superior moisturizing alternatives such as pumpkin seed oil and linoleic acid. Although some of them can make the benefits of “natural”, this word is more marketing than the truth.

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