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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

The Best Mattresses for Heavy People Available to Buy in 2025

Our nine mattress specialist group has been doing this for years. We tested and reviewed three hundred mattress and dozens of sleep accessories bed for Toppers for Headphones for sleep. During this time, we set up a test methodology where each mattress came to our Reno Test object.

We take a single approach to the mattress test, that is, it is involved in ensuring that we represent all kinds of our team. Our team has a mixture of sexes, body types and sleep position.


CNet Mattress Expert Owen Poule tests the insulation of moving using a glass of water.

Lopez / Cnet Aly


We appreciate the two types of strength and note: Subjective and objective. When I try strength, I sleep on the mattress in each sleeping state and I celebrate how I feel against my waist, stomach and hips. Our entire team is involved in ensuring that the strength rating is based on a body type in this process.

Mattress sleeve Smasher 9000

Mattress Smasher measures the level of firmness of 9,000 objective mattresses.

Dillon Lopez / Cnet

The level of objective strength, the dipless smasher of our mattresses comes from 9000. Not only can it increase the strength of a bed based on the power of a 160-pound person. We are sure of a bed of bed before taking a turn to ensure that our MS9K experience is impartial.

Movement insulation

Moving insulation, a bedroom movement on a bed surface is how a moisturizes. This can’t seem like a big thing, but if you sleep with another person or furry friend, a bed with weak movement insulation can keep you at night.

Cnet's Aly Lopez, eye blink movement insulation.

Dillon Lopez / Cnet

We do two things to try motion isolation. First, I sleep in a bed while a teammate moves on my surrounding bed and I’m my eyes close. I do this from every sleeping state and appreciate how much I moved all the time. Second, we perform a glass of water on the edge of a bed and the water test that is rolling towards him. If the bed was around the water sloss or falls, the lower motion gets an insulating account.

Edge support

Large fig edge support

Dillon Lopez / Cnet

If you are like me and tend to sleep on the edge of the bed or have mobility limits, then you know how important the extraneous support is. We sit and lie outside to try the power of the perimeter of the bed and appreciate how much cave. As you felt as you fall, there is no good edge support or the edge under its weight.

There is a great fig, we have the best of our favorite beds, strong edge support, ie there is access to the entire surface area of ​​the bed.


All of our labs from our beds are tested in a room-controlled room. Many branded deposits claim that their performance is not back. We are confident that a bed is supported by his claims. We are investigating the construction of the field and trust our first hand experience to assess how cool.

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