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The bird flu hits us hard. Now the nomadic birds fly north

The bird flu is at a dangerous point of the United States: About 167 million birds were effective Since 2022, H5N1 tensions have been infected and 70 are infected. Now the birds fly our way for spring migration season.

A large horned owl in Southern Hanging, Montreal, large-horned owls in the BC, BX – Recently, wild birds are tried for H5N1 recently. However, scientists sit for more and increase the monitor of the virus this season and increase efforts to curb.

This winter saw more than the usual H5N1, said Dr. Manon Racicot, Saint-Hyacinthe, Canada Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) in the Que.

“Now the birds return from the north to migration, we really do not know what will happen. Will the birds still be infected? Will the birds be infected?”

To add scientists to: another tension of bird flu, H7N9, has been declare In Mississippi, the first US, the first has been a large number of deaths in the United States, which is currently in the United States, which is currently in the United States. gossip State authorities.

A mutation went away

The types of H5N1 passed and adapted to Mammalian hosts. Animals like seals, cats and dogs were mixed with wild birds or died after eating a raw pet dish.

Milk cows in the United States are sick in the vessel affected by 989 flocks in 17 countries, According to the centers of disease control and prevention.

The bird flu is not easily departed among people now. The h5N1 H5N1 tension, which wanders in cows in the United States, is far from just a mutation from being more among people a study It was recently published in the reviewed magazine science.

Three black and white milk cows, behind a thorn wire fence in the green pasture. Looking at the camera from a cow's fence, camera, a second cow also looks in the camera and looks at his work as the third cow at the distance.
The tension of H5N1, which wandered in the US cows, is more common in humans, offers a research in magazine science in December. (Justin Sullivan / Getty Images)

When people are infected, the virus can be fatal. In January, Louisiana’s death was the first H5N1, which was the first H5N1

The only known event of Canada was approved by a young man hospitalized in November two months ago, two months ago in November. We still do not know how he infects him.

In both cases offered genetic analysis The virus mutated be More effective in the attachment to cells in the upper respiratory tract.

All this has scientists and doctors in a high warning.

A woman sat in front of the microphones.
Dr. Danuta Skowronski has a global responsibility for the BC Disease Control Center, so it is important to share information with international partners, the Genomic sequence of BC bird flu in the BC flu. (CBC)

“Absolutely, obviously, a single event of the Avian flu is very interested in not wanting to adapt to people in the virus,” Dr. said Danuta Skowronski, BC Disease Control Center (BCCDC) epidemiologist.

“We all have a responsibility to close it that it contains it. This is a global effort. We communicate with the United States together with the United States to gain the best knowledge.”

Who eliminates employees to restore

The disease is currently changing in the United States, communicates with other countries and World Health Organization (WHO) in the United States Avian Flu Specialist ian Brown at the Pirbright Institute

However, the Trump leadership is taking us from us. In addition, as national health institutions, the main agencies are financing and cutting workplaces.

“We know that this is a sensitive situation. We know part of some of our colleagues, there may be a risk of not working,” said brown.

This is the first days, says, but he is afraid that the exchange of information between American scientists and international colleagues will be reduced.

“Early signs are that the interaction we use to use successfully for many years to make concessions.”

It’s already wrong.

There is an agricultural department Rehire flush to make Workers working on bird flu erras, after the rapid cleaning of the federal workforce, after the recommendations of the government’s efficiency of the government, after fire. They have trouble getting them back, Politico reported.

Those who have already affected cuts for bird flu monitoring sideid General Director Dr. Monday tedros adhanom ghebreyesus.

Does the US talk to Canada with bird flu?

Thankfully, the United States, especially those who work with infected poultry or milk cattle, return calls on the calls of Canada on human flu, Dr. Theresa is complete, Canada’s headline said the public healthcare.

“I think that on each level, people’s health, about these different populations, we really try to be very sober and share us on a basis that continues.”

Canadian virus effectively rely on to the United States to curb. For example, on the side of the animal health, the United States and Canadian officials work together to watch bird flying ways and pay carefully to wild and local birds, as well as the approximate places of infected birds.

At the year, the teams in British Columbia, Teams, Washington, Oregon and Alaska are closely connected with counterparts of states such as Alaska, Dr. Bonnie Henry, BC’s Provincial Health Officer.

“I think there is one of the things that help us, our personal relationship.”

Canada also keeps a close eye to our milk cows: CFIA Examples test Raw milk from the processing plants. Until now, all samples returned negative on February 28.

Learn from Covid-19

However, both full and henry highlights: Canada monitoring is important to make beef and prepare, especially viruses, changes between people who can cause a pandemic and can be used more.

These efforts “Monitoring and vigilance, laboratory test,” complete, “said the investigation of any human work.

A woman and pink dress in glasses speak of a chair saying 'British Columbia'.
BK Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, like Washington, he said he was able to stay in touch with his colleagues in nearby countries. Thanks to hard-built links and personal relationships, he says partially. (Mike McArthur / CBC)

BCCDC scientists have already carried out some of these preparations.

“Through the pandemic, we learned a lot about the tools that public health can use to make decisions,” Linda Hoang, Medical Director of the Public Health Laboratory.

BCCDC is followed by mutations that adapt to those who develop antibodies to follow the impact of people and how to explore the transfer of bird flu.

It is all the information that can be critical for decisions that the virus will be more.

Henry says it is confident – Even if it is temporary silence violations from the American colleagues, it is strong enough to be close to the bird flu in control.

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