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The British Statistics Agency adopts issues related to more basic data

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The British Statistics Agency of England has stopped publishing the two price index used to help the latest adoption of GDP figures, GDP figures, defective information in Beleague.

This Office for national statistics Manufacturer Price Indicators and service manufacturer Price indices have found flaws in price indices and found in the manufacturer’s price indices, which show the price pressure indexes within the chains.

“PPI) and service manufacturer (PPI) and service manufacturer identified a problem related to the calculation of our indexes to improve the systems used to create a problem,” the agency said.

“As a result, we will correct this issue, stop the PPI and SPPI data on March 26, we make this issue.

The decision will ask questions about the reliability of the digits produced by Ons after postponement Publishing trade data The main research on the state of the labor market continues to fight long-lasting problems.

Rob Wood, England Economist, Counseling Pantheon Macroecaders, “Now widespread mistakes” from them.

Defective figures, trade and PPI in the labor market, “Other mistakes and problems should be your question,” he said.

Detailed Price Data is used GDP Calculations. They extend the problems, especially in 2022 and 2023, especially in 2022 and 2023, although in 2022 and 2023, although.

“These amendments to the GDP should not be given to a ratio of these amendments, along with regular information supply,” the agency.

“Early Tips There will be no significant change in the latest economic trends in this information, but we will get more information again,” he said.

This problem also affects some deflators used in both trade and services, including import price indices, including import price indices and export price indices.

“Early analysis shows that the export and import information of some goods since 2023 has been affected and some goods have some goods exports before 2014,” he said.

Jonathan Portugu, Professor of Economics and State Policy in London in Royal College.

Agency, monthly, quarterly or annual GDP said that no change in the publication table said. The title also said that the consumer prices index and housing costs, CPIH, “completely affected” also said.

Earlier Friday, the Institute of Fiscal Studies said a great adjustment by Thought Tank Ons Official assessments of personal retirement home wealth How much wealth between households were distributed in how many wealths were distributed, he left a “fundamental defective”.

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