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The collision of the northern sea tanker how bad can the environment be?

London – Monday Collision between a cargo ship and an oil tanker “Risk of ecological disaster in the northern sea” is high in the most important areas, “Naomi Tiley, Ocean Oil and Gas Campaign on Oceans, the Ecological Group on the oceans told Tuesday.

Britain Coastguard said that about half of the two ships that no longer adhere to each other were set up an exception zone of about half of a mile.

“At this stage, it is very early to evaluate the degree of environmental damage,” said Greenpeace UK, Tuesday, the severity of any effects, the amount and type of oil carried by both vessels and the type of oil. “

The British Coastguard said, his opposing pollution and rescue team “evaluated the situation” and “prepared a plan to implement the situation as the situation as it allows.”

Ships collide on the shore of the Humber estuar
The air view shows the smoke flowing smoke on the shores of Yorkshire on March 11, 2025, from the MV Solong cargo ship in the North Sea.

And kitwood / getty

The air quality in the region was reported to be normal and according to the British health agency, the nearest coast has a “very low” public risk of public health.

“It is really difficult to know how it will act in this stage and how it will act, but it is bad news in almost every situation,” Tilley CBS news.

Tanker collision near protected offshore areas

The North Sea is a number of protected marine animals, as well as vital fishing resources for the British and other European countries.

Oceana Great Britain said that the collision was determined to protect the area protected by the Southern Sea, especially in the two protected areas, including the South South Sea, said Tilley.

“This is an important area of ​​the world and there is a really big part of the global population in this area,” he said.

Port Porpoise, a kind to come to the surface to breathe, so it will not be able to prevent slings on the surface, “Tilley CBS news.

On March 10, 2025, a map, on March 10, 2025, MV Stena collided with the UK coast shows the path of a flawless tanker and solong cargo ship.
On March 10, 2025, a map, on March 10, 2025, MV Stena collided with the UK coast shows the path of a flawless tanker and solong cargo ship.

Yann Schreiber and Paz Pizarro / AFP Getty through pictures

Meanwhile, the sea protected area, the sea floor was set for the safety of habitats.

“There are oceanous quaogics for centuries. They are really long for this clams. Starfish and submarine sponses and things are very close to where this event is till.

Possible contaminants

Both of the collisions were to be a jet fuel, MV Stena, the American tanker, MV Stena, which was flooded for landslides, but also a jet.

Jet fuel is poisonous for sea life and Crowley said that one of it was released in the accident.

Stena said in a crowd, “A garland warehouse, which includes Jet-A1 fuel due to the collision,” Crowley, Reuters told the news agency. “As a result, the fire happened.”

How much jet fuel was released and how much fire could be extinguished in the fire.

MV Stena collision conflict
MV Stena’s tanker operating as part of the US government’s tanker security program, 11, 11 March 2025, England East Yorkshire, after a collision between Britain’s shores, was anchored in the Humber estuar.

Danny Lawson / Pa Pictures / Getty

Preliminary reports were reported to be a Portuguese flag cargo ship called Solong, MV Solong. Sodium cyanid is a poisonous substance that can create dangerous weather conditions for quick vapor and cleanliness groups and animals.

The ship operated on the ship, however, was noted that there are no containers from Sodium cyanid in the demolition of Sodium cyanid, but were said to be 4 in the demolition, said.

Potential risks to the fishing industry – and consumers

Tiley said that the collision could affect the fish reserves and people who trust them in the North Sea of ​​pollution.

“The North Sea is a very important area for the Fishing Fighting and European fishing fleet,” Tilley said tilley.

The degree of environmental pollution is not yet known, but “said,” If the chemicals we do not end in water, it can affect the fishing industry. “

Tiley said that the previous major oil spills are “in a large area as long as it is not allowed to have contaminated fish for a long time.

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