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The first private asteroid mission probe is probably lost in deep space

In an asteroid mission was a swing and boring to try the first special, but the company still moved as a victory. California Beginner AstroForge, a spacecraft in February 26, a spacecraft doubled, but the team has lost to communicate in a short time after the start of a space Falcon 9 missile.

“The chance to talk to Odin is minimal, as in the meantime, it becomes the accuracy of his position,” he said. the mission. AstroForge, Astroforge’s main surface station, technical issues, other issues can also occur in Odin to prevent the connection to the establishment.

Although the starting bust, an asteroid mining was carried out on the project as a valuable learning experience for the purpose of creating and operating and operation of the vehicle. The company targets the asteroid 20222 ob5, as a result, the result is to go down to the surface and to produce potential sources. Odin was built for $ 3.5 million in 10 months, and a slip of the federal space projects ended.

AstroForge CEO Matt Gialich, there were several quotes within a few quotes, all of the guerrilla, “At the end of the day, you need to jump and struck, so” you have to try. “

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