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The first Xbox handheld might not come from Microsoft

A few years were used with poor optimized hand computers, but Windows Center report Microsoft can finally work in an Xbox hand. The company can quickly announce the Xbox portable device as soon as possible, this will not come directly from Microsoft.

Instead, the company is partnered with a PC manufacturer working in the game space for a handicraft. Window Center writes. The device, Keenan’s codenameded, Xbox design elements, the “official Xbox guide button” and will likely work on Windows 11. Hands you can buy todayThe real hope, the Xbox includes a launcher or a new way to use the desktop OS that is suitable for a controller instead of a mouse. Great advantage Steamos is superior to Windows, you do not need to interact with the desktop environment.

These rumors plans are Microsoft’s VP of Microsoft, which shared the “next generation” in the next generation’s next generation’s “next generation” event “The future” in the 2025 AMD and Lenovo event According to EveRonald said that Microsoft wants to bring “Xbox and Windows the best” together.

Phil Spencer has a CEO of Microsoft Gaming He showed interest to hand appliances He said before and the company Experience with prototypes. At least it seems to be so far, although Microsoft is developing a hand-friendly version of the valve and the operating system Available for other PC manufacturers for use.

This does not mean that there will be nothing first sided in the future. Windows CenterReport Xbox series is reported to have a heir to the Xbox series Controllers connected to the Internet and the official Xbox game Ali, all was originally encrypted orally for 2027.

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