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The global pop star is saying that it doesn’t allow for a week for how little money you earn

Sevdaliza can be more than 1 million listeners monthly StainBut when this ends, this does not mean much. The Iran-Dutch artist made waves in the electronic pop sphere with experimental music, but it is a drop of buckets when it comes to the bank account.

“I have been an independent artist to release music for 12 years, I entered everything without a master and still can’t rest a week” tweeted Sevdaliza added an artist to $ 2,500, an average, a million creeks. “Removal of taxes, management and product extracted. How many music do we expect to be resistant?” He was interested in the joint collaborating artist Roar.

Sevdaliza’s message, another artist in connection with the flow system, answered a viral post from James Blake.

“If we want quality music, we want someone to pay for it,” he said gossipto explain the outfits to make money. “Streaming services do not pay properly, tags want a greater cutter than ever and wait and wait for a viral, Tiktok will pay properly and the touring is expensive for most artists.”

How much does Spotify pay for a stream?

Indeed, The stream passed Music industry-Stain declare Increase the recordTo add 31 million award subscribers last year. As checking the royalty The actors are thin for one Netflix More shows than a cable, the payments of these music flow services do not have the same effect once physical albums. Shared with Artist Zoë Keating Businesslike in 2020 a single flow for her Apple The music was $ 0.012; In Spotify, the distributor would receive a total of $ 0.003 after dues.

No one said it was easy to make it big, but for independent artists these days seem more impossible to make these days a break. The flow period has further increased the process of struggling to fight independent artists in a variable economy.

“If we make a meaningful income from the flow, it can be a weekly grocery store; it can make the most needed or contribute to your mortgage,” said artist Nadine Shah New York Times. “That’s why I had to talk about it. I saw that the artist struggles.” Of course, the creator economy can be more difficult to be a star among all Short-term competition there.

Responding to the post of James Blake, Lauren Jauregui (fame as a member of the fifth harmony) saying Among his artist’s friends, everyone feels that we do not have the right to get money for our work. ” It claims that this music is the only industry like this, Jauregui claims that people are not able to say “success or viewer’s” (thus “the success or viewer”. “In response, Sevdaliza, potentially, potentially, to initiate the music artist, defending the rights of musicians,” he said.

How much do different artists do in Spotify?

Spotify explained Fortune Independent artists calculated almost half of the entire industry, which was created in the platform for the first time in 2023. Many indie musicians are almost $ 4.5 billion This is the last year, per spokesman.

As he spoke, being a artist, as he describes Sevdaliza, trying to be a artist. “I will be able to sacrifice my health and be able to be this mother for our work model,” he said. “That’s what you want to do it in music, you can’t stop. I love a lot and never want to give up, but we don’t get money for our art.”

A version of this story first published On March 6, 2024.

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