As mining companies fled to the clouds, cyber threats are growing. Over the past decade, digital transformation improves efficiency, security and sustainability on mine sites, then the filters opened to Cyberattacks. It is already installed in mining operations (IOT), digitalization, AI and internet (IOT), industry, industry is more exposed, but also is a need for more priority than CyberCurity.
“We face daily attempts like all companies. Total attacks for compulsive and social engineering and social engineering and phishing / vishing campaigns, Director of Phishing / Vishing campaigns and a leading guest in cyber security McMoran, a major mining company in the United States Mining technology.
“Most organizations are now recognized, if a cyber occurred,” in many cases “,” in many cases, “the threat develops in architecture that develops in time.”
According to 2024 new annual report from mining and metals – the Center for Sharing and Analysis (Mm-isac) In February, cyberscats in the mining industry released in February have increased by 2023 to 2024.
A Canadian-based profit organization dedicated to cyberspace in the global mining and metal industry, MM-ISAC, said there is a sharp increase in cyber incidents over a year. The number of attacks reported in 2024 reached 30, in 2023, stressed the growing sensitivity of the sector.
“And they are only what we know,” said Rob Labbé, CEO of MM-ISAC and the General Information Security Officer, meeting Mining technologyemphasizing that “cyber reporting massively reporting”.
Labbé estimates that about 80% of cyberacts in the mining industry are material motivation, and the material motivated by criminals seeking ransom payments with usurpation tactics. The risk does not necessarily steal information: the systems are lowering and breaking the operations.
One of the most notable attacks in 2024, Alamos Gold Golden Alamos Gold, a Canadian-based mining company, a victim of Blackbasta Ransomware. In 2022, Blackbasta is known for double usurpation tactics, encrypts the information of victims and threatens to leak it if the ransom is not given.
In June, Bianlian cybercral group was responsible for the attack in northern minerals, a rare land intelligence company in Australia. According to the MM-ISAC report, the incident came after the Australian government’s Chinese-Agene investors, in the northern minerals of those interested in national interest in the northern minerals. It specializes in the field of Bianlian, a ransom program and dedication in Russia.
July, South African mining company Sibanye-Stillwater’s ransom has seen another great violation in an event of a cyberward event related to ransomware. The next month, the Australian Gold Mining Company said the evolutionary mine was attacked by the dog systems. In September, Vancouver Based Hunter Dickinson also targeted, Biandian demanded responsibility again.
Cyber dangers have increased in the mining industry for years. In March 2023, Rio Tinto has damaged one of the most important cybershops in the history of the mining industry. According to Globalata, Mining technology‘s mother company, violation Sensitive working information, including family details and salary information, leaking the dark internet.
In two months, in May 2023, Fortescue metal, a Russian group exposed the weakness of the industry. In December 2023, Anglo American has damaged emails and sent offensive messages and non-appropriate charts to send to the company’s bulletin subscribers.
Freeport-McMoran also stated a cyber event on August 11, 2023. Saying “a limited impact on production,” the last two years say “an outstanding threat, techniques and protocols, techniques and protocols, techniques and protocols, techniques and protocols, techniques and protocols, techniques and protocols, techniques and protocols, techniques and protocols.”
The rapid digitization of the mining industry has led to the exponential increase in data-run data, and made them a major goal for cyber. According to Kybersecurity in Kyberecurity in June 2024, the number of cyberictacks rises and its complexity. Therefore, all segments of the mining value chain are sensitive to attack. “
Mining operations AI, robotics, ioot and cloud computing, because of more relying on cybercriminals To use the same technologies Start more complex and target attacks. The emergence of genayi instruments such as Chatgept, Openai has further strengthened the attackers that allow them to prepare cunning and highly individualized threats.
“AI makes a way of life for cyber criminals,” said Labbé.
Rob Labbé, CEO of MM-ISAC and General Information Security Officer. Credit: MM-ISAC
AI, while driving efficiency and innovation in the field of mining, new security vulnerabilities are also applied. Choose from Freeport-McMoran warnings: “This is the use of real dividends. This brings potential risks, because the use of our property information or competitive advantage includes the risks, risks, information poisoning or exprivation.”
The paradox emphasizes complex cyberry problems in the mining sector, where it is moving as a weapon for cyber crimes for both the AI, innovation.
Another growing anxiety is AI-driven human error. As Labbé explains: “We will see more AI-Said attacks. We will see more events active by AI to provoke the human error. Thus, it does not attack AI, the AI is used to convince a person to make a person wrong.”
Outside direct attacks, cyber dangers have a wider effect on the mining sector – hinder the technological progress. Among the collateral damage of cyberacts, it is one of the biggest problems for large mining companies, cybership teams, cyber security are delayed in terms of cyber security, canceled or reduced volume reduction or reduction of volume. Labbé, although security is vital, current experiments often contradict the need for innovation.
“If we do not innovate in this industry, Labbé said,” Labbé, mining companies are said to be significant to cyber work compared to other sectors. Added that rising cyber events have now led to a stronger control that prevents progress.
“Mining companies are expensive”, “Labbé stresses the need for a better balance between security and innovation to manage industries.
According to Labbé, a key to a key to cyberacts in the mining industry is the importance of sustainability. “The hard reality is that if a certain aggressor is targeting, they will succeed. We will be able to prevent 100% of cyber events. Now, how important it is important, how important it is, how it is important, however, we will minimize damage and quickly.
Freeport is an example. “Thanks to their constituency, they did not lose a pound of copper. Compared to the same group, which was attacked by the same group, but the significant operation was violated. The difference was the size of the company, the same methods, the same methods, the same methods, very different results,” he added.
It does not need mining companies to prioritize the cutting strategies of mining companies, not violating production or concession operations of cyber events.
“My hope for 2025 is that recognition will improve, and this will make a big difference. We will take a gang in 2025, and we will show a new record,” said Labbé.
“Cyber threats in mining: The secret value of digitalization” was originally created and published Mining technologyA global brand.
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