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The tips inside a ‘Destroy Camp’ despair and hope

Iron González knew the gray bag in the photo. It was the same for his son to secondary school and with him because he was with him three years ago.

Mrs. 43, 43, pictures on the television of the bone fragments and scattered individual items saw that in West Mexico, the heart was opened. His son Jossel Sánchez, met with the fate there? Was it left there? Or did the criminal group bring him to that place just to take another place?

On Wednesday, Igsuirre was surrounded by sugar cane and barren hills, standing in a distance of 300 feet from the entrance of Rancha.

“I just want to find my son dead or alive,” he said when he begged with local police officers outside the site to leave him inside.

Mrs. González reflected the sadness of the countless other Mexicans, looking for the missing relatives who saw the missing relatives with a mixture of hope and despair. It followed this emotional confusion Discover by search volunteers two weeks ago La Estanzuela, a ranch outside the small, dusty Mexican village near Guadalajara in the province of Jalisco.

Inside the abandoned site, members of the search group called Jalisco’s search warriors, traces of unintended violence: cremation stoves, human remains and bone shards were burned. He threw personal items and hundreds of shoes.

Discovery sent shock waves over the nation, the last symbol of the criminal violence and the crisis of the missing crisis.

According to official data, more than 120,000 people were missing in Mexico because the country began to watch in 1962. Since 2023, 2018, the Government Agency since 2023, coordinating the efforts to find missing people in Mexico, 2,710 secret graves containing human remains in the country.

So far, there are many answers about the search group called the so-called “destruction camp” and a search group in Jalisco in the local authorities. Authorities, Jalisco’s new generation of cartel – Jalisco, one of the most violent criminal organizations in the country, to torture the victims and victims of the victims and use the victims. However, they did not say how many people were killed and the residues were still determined.

On Wednesday, the Prosecutor General Alejandro Gertz criticized the preliminary investigation, which was carried out by the local authorities, and this is expelled by violations, he said. Local officials could not provide the area after the National Guard members first six months ago, and this soon said, “Abandoned”, Mr. Gertz said.

These investigators did not properly document the evidence they found on the site or found fingerprints, they said they did not record. The Prosecutor General’s Office of the country was taken on the investigation at the request of President Claudia Sheenbaum.

New York Times journalists entered the camp in the football field, which was closed with cement walls on Thursday.

All evidence opened by the search group – was collected by authorities and dozens of investigators, law enforcement officers and court experts. Little Yellow Flags, each of the investigators unpacked an evidence of an evidence of an argument.

In a large storage, which has a tin roof discovered by the search group’s clothes and shoe piles, the gap was now empty. Three chickens tangled in silence. A candle flapped on the floor.

The shadows of the trash, empty beer boxes and broken glass were poured on the ground. Partly buried car tires and thorny wires, officials said the area of ​​the authorities were hired by the staff.

Little holes are not larger than garbage can, but by seals of human remains or other evidence, as well as forensic anthropologists who have won the soil, have hit the earth as salthropologists.

A few bigger drilling places with the yellow police tape were closed.

The previous day, Ms. González, was allowed at the end, only all the evidence was allowed to discover all the evidence. From there, the relief and disappointed were separated by a mixture of frustration. “I was relaxed as a mother, but I want to finish these sufferings,” he said.

Three years ago, Mrs. González’s son Jossel, Fuebla’nın central Mexico, a mobile phone store in Puebla via Facebook advertisement disappeared after hiring. According to and approaching leave, Ms. González came out to support his family when he was ill with the pneumonia.

After a while after the news of the destruction camp two weeks ago, the authorities were published in a catalog of more than 1,500 products in Ranchan. Ms. González, Jossel has known the backbag, he said.

Although he gathered enough money to buy a plane ticket to the jaliscoy, if he belonged to his son, to see himself to see himself. Perhaps, with that little confirmation, he was able to find some clarity and maybe a little.

A large number of families from Mexico, walked photos looking for signs of missing relatives. Some, hoping to find the answers, some of them recognized the well-known items and fled to Guadalajara, the capital of Jalisma.

Although the discovery of Rancha is shocked by the nation, the news of the emergence of new mass graves and buried victims has become a common situation in Jalisco province, which is the most missing fall in Mexico.

Izaguirre Ranchi was found only two days, members of the Jalisco group of search fighters took a tip on a mass grave in Guadalajara. There, in the words of Raúl Servi, one of the leaders of the search group, 13 bags of human remains buried in the spring.

According to him, the residents were unaware of the existence of the grave.

Seven years ago, Mr. Servín, his 20-year-old son Raúl, had to be an anthropologist in the event of a trace. It was a woman from a different search organization that has taught him the skills that he needs: how to dig the right shovel to dig and recognize the special act of the place – it can be buried in something or someone or someone.

Now, Hundreds of calls respond to hundreds of calls that are working as waiter and hundreds of calls to Guadalajara with possible places of mass graves. He goes on his hand, checks the terrain and excavations, looking for missing victims. In seven years, he said he found hundreds of bodies.

Makes it to try to make a little reconciled to families.

“A pair of shoes do not give a body to bury any clarity of what happened in a graveyard or boy,” Mr. Servín said, 53.

The son of more than 15,000 people missing in the province of Jalisko. Many of these works are believed to be linked to Jalisco’s new generation cartel.

The criminal group has been killed and missing, as in recent years, as in the state, as the state expands its territory.

Ulises Ruiz, the search group, when he discovered the ranch at the beginning of this month, he likened to spread to Pandemic in Jalisco, and the phenomenon has influenced more people.

“As soon as it happened with the Covid, we thought it happened in another place, in other states or cities,” he said. “But suddenly everyone else has someone you love or knows the lost one.”

James Wagner Contributing report.

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