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The US Ambassador of South African ‘already welcome’ says Donald Trump News

The Trump Office is often sold in South Africa on the heritage criticizing apartheid and Israel.

President Donald Trump administration declared South African Ambassador to Ebrahim Rasool A Persona Non Grata.

On Friday, the US Secretary of State Marco Rubio said Rasul’s Messenger did not “enjoy the great country.”

“Ebrahim Rasool is a racing-beeit politician who hates America and hates Potus,” said Rubio writeUsing abbreviation for the president of the United States.

“We do not have anything to discuss with him, and therefore, the persona is considered illegal.”

Rubie, as Rasool’s quotes, Rasool’s right-winged Media Outlet Breitbarti was connected to an article related to an article.

The expulsion of Rasool, South Africa, supporting the Palestinian rights, supported the Palestinian rights and helped the International Justice Court (ICJ) accuses Israeli and the United States ally (ICJ) Goying Acts In Gaza.

Earlier this week, the news was given a veteran diplomat, a veteran diplomat, in the US State Department, as well as regular opportunities to speak to the US State Department, as well as high-ranking Republicans, and Rump has been rejected since the inauguration ceremony.

Rasul returned to his post as South Africa ambassador to the United States in January. Earlier, during the presidency of Barack Obama, he served until 2010 by 2015.

The South African is managed by the African National Congress (ANC), a party arising from an anti-aparthoid struggle that ends the white minority in this country.

However, his government is a specific irtial target for rough management and allies such as the right winged billionaire elon, which is the right winged billionaire of South Africa.

The Trump government accused ANC government discrimination against the white population.

Trump, South Africa, February – a refugee reception for people who fled the world from violence and repression in the world – Trump offered to the world’s random Fast citizenship For white Africaners, “the government to avoid sponsored race-based discrimination.”

The announcement was responded to the Land Distribution Act to eliminate the inequalities that lasted since the apartheid period. The South African government says Trump says the law is wrong with the law that is not used to confiscate any land.

A spokesperson for South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, Reuters news agency “does not intend to participate in counter-exposed megathon diplomacy,” said the tendency to provide South African missiles on social media.

Despite the fact that Trump’s surrendered minorities describe Trump’s Africaners, the South African management continues the economy of white South Africans near the economy, economic inequality between black and white residents.

2017 Government Inspection, black people make up 80 percent of the population of South Africa, the only 4 percent of the agricultural sands that make up the privatization.

White Africanians, the vast majority of South African areas, are 8 percent of the population.

Rasool and her family, in a separate period, black people were forcibly transferred to non-white areas, not white welding or economic opportunities, his families were expelled from their homes.

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