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The US Chips ACT Office covers one-third of the staff, says sources

Washington (Reuters) – About one-third of the US trade office, about one-third of the $ 39 billion production subsidy this week was reported to be acquainted with two sources.

The Trade Department did not respond to commentary requests.

Reuters look at the projects given to the US chips act in 2022 in 2022, where the federal government has launched a dramatic overhaul last month. This law aims to increase the introduction of the United States in the field of grants and loans in the grant industry.

40 members who lost their work on Monday, there are sources talking about anonymity. Workers who were tested on Monday, the workers who received e-mail on Monday, and 4 out of the door for 4 in the evening.

The government has gone about 20 other employees last week as part of the resignation program.

The office of the General Investment officer, Todd Fisher, resigned from an Eeee-mail done by Reuters last week. A source familiar with the situation, he said that he was resigned in recent months.

(Karen Freifeld, David Sheepardson and Alexandra Alper; Adjustment by Paul Simao)

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