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The US immigration authorities retain European tourists who are deprived of visiting others

Some Europeans are becoming a Leryvious visit to the United States, because it is reported that the US immigration bodies are detained for not cleansed.

A number of tourists from Europe say that they have been suspended in the US border crossings and have the authority to travel to the United States or traveling to the United States, immigration is detained in Prisoner Investors

A backpacker from Wales has been caught up to three weeks on the Canadian border before allowed to fly home. A canadian woman with a business visa was detained for 12 days on the Tijuana border before returning to Canada.

The German tour of Mexico, who visited the American fiancé, and German tourist Lukas Silyaf, locked back from Tijuana. Immigration officials accused him of violating the rules of 90-day US tourist permission, and despite the fact that the couple had only 22 days. Sieluff was held 16 days before he was allowed to go home to Germany.

Sieluff and detained, why did not be determined why they are taken into custody.

“What happened at the border was simply openly abused by the authority of the border patrol,” said Fiance, Lennon Tyler, Associated Press told Associated Press.

Pedro Rios, the director of the American Service Committee, agreed that a non-profit non-migrants with AIDS, “It does not mean that these people do not mean.”

“The only reason I’ve seen is a tough immigrant atmosphere,” said Rios Associated Press.

The US government did not respond to the request from Associated Press in the number of tourists in prisons. Immigration and customs execution told AP that Sieluff was considered “unacceptable” with customs and border protection without providing more specifications. In general, they said that if the regulations or visa conditions are violated, travelers can be arrested and removed. ”

Review “Delayed Personal Travel” abroad

Universities warned international faculties and students from traveling abroad and pointed to the developing federal travel policy of the Trump management.

“In general, international students, delegations, staff, faculty and scientists, including US Visa owners and Permanent Residents (or ‘Green Cardholders’), US State Department Rassell Carey, this is also written to the brown community.

Can war trade tourism take us tourism?

A last analysis shows that President Trump is a trade war Tourists can also refuse to visit the United States Only by alienating key allies and trade partners.

The information recommended company’s tourism economy in the Oxford economy is projected in 2025 a 15% decrease in the number of visits from Canada.

According to the report, all foreign countries are expected to drop more than 5% of international travel from foreign countries. This year, the reduction of American-traveling Americans this year can fall in the United States in the United States in 2025 in 2025 in 2025 in the tourism economy.

“The negative impact of the Extended Trade War Scenario will contact the US hotel room in 2025,” he said. “Internal travel will be negatively affected by slower income growth and higher prices, while international traveling is a trifecade of more slow economies, antipatio against stronger dollars and USA

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