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There is a chance to learn more about Canadian scientists, climate change in Antarctica

Dozens of fur seals in the middle of an active volcano in the world of the world are wet snow. They Mostly unconditionally by two legged guests.

Around them, in the early 20th century, the Balina settlement was laying wooden boats that were so bleached and watered by the black sand beach. Traces of chili and English bases seem humble.

On the surface, DeCEPTION ISLAND’S Whalers Bay is the biggest trace of mankind in Antarctica outside 80 or more research stations.

However, the climate can say differently.

The work done on this fragile continent documented how the temperature, glaciers, the oceans and wildlife reacted to the results of the fossil fuel waste warming. This is a remote and isolated location, according to many scientists, the past, the present and the future, the perfect laboratory to hide the present and future.

The wreckage is seen on an Antarctica Island.
The most recent eruption of the Geeption Island was in 1970. Now tourists and scientists visit the remains of settlements in Whalers Bay. (Jill English / CBC)

It is a work research with high stakes, natural resources Canadian scientist Thomas James, Canada Alim Tomas James, who first conducted an expedition for the first time in the region.

“What happened in Antarctica is not left here,” he recently wandered at the beach in Whalers Bay, because scientists gathered samples from sand, snow and air.

Climate change ripple outside Antarctica

It is understandable that the climate change does not accept politically developed borders. But Jacob explains that the ice and cold oceans of Antarctica play a leading role in regulating our climate.

Only this month, Researchers identified Sweet water from the glaciers of Antarctica changes the water chemistry of the South Ocean. They estimate that the vital elevation of the changed salty will slow the current until 2050 by 2050. The strongest current on earth, the ACC’s effects are stretched to the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans, water, heat and nutrients.

The existing, Antarctica protects the ice layers – the land-based ice masses – from large northern waters from hot northern waters, prevent sea level from increasing sea level.

“We know that the ice sheet of Antarctica is potentially unstable and is currently more sea level change than current models,” he said. “The fresh water is a large reservoir.”

Ship rides through Antarctica.
HMCS Margaret Brooke sits on the sea in the sea on the sea of ​​Rotherreander Island on the island of Adelaide in the Antarctic Peninsula. (Jill English / CBC)

For more than 30 years, he reads to Antarctica, but its field work was mainly in the North Polar region; This is the second time in James Antarctica.

“We think that the effects of the Antarctic Ice layer and the effects of sea level change are very important for Canadians.”

Not just melting ice sheets. Sea ice (frozen seawater) are in poles The record reached down three months consistent.

“Now, the fact that we see a decrease in the Antarctica sea ice is really one of the many indicators of global climate change,” he said. “It happens in all directions of the environment and seems to be accelerating in many cases.”

The strangers group helps climate science

15 James’s team from the scientist – many of them are strange before this expedition – go through numerous scientists. They are not only a layer of ice, buttermilkers such as glacial melting, ocean floor, microplasty and seawater.

A pot on a boat looked at the water with a man standing next to him.
A thick cable opens a collection of ocean glasses to collect water in pre-selected depths in advance. (Jill English / CBC)

In the HMCS Margaret Brooke, they are supported by the Royal Canadian Fleet managing boilers, cranes and boats to help collect a sample collection around the South Shetland Islands at the Antarctic Peninsula.

This is a larger part of RCN Operational ProjectDestroy South America, strengthen alliances with other South Navirs and experience experience in the South Pole region.

The servicemen can only enter the borders of Antarctica as a rule, which manages the continent in the Antarctic Agreement.

In the Arctic and Sea, the patrol ship will cover a small part of the continent in four weeks of the four weeks of the Punta arenas of Chile, but travel and science work is very effort.

Early visits of the zodiac signs, using glacier covers night, deep water collection, a large tap and a large crane and BUM system, are designated to maximize the science group, rare Antarctic entrances.

Black Canada took a bunch of photos of a bunch of sweaters.
Canadian scientists took a group of photos while visiting Chile, Antarctica, Antarctica, President of Chile of Chile of Chile (Jill English / CBC)

Brent is one of the scientists to learn the chemical characteristics of the ocean.

“This is the fact that the oceans have mastered a large amount of carbon to the atmosphere,” he said. “Over time, it is probably about 40 percent of all emissions for all emissions to the atmosphere, it will be a great break in climate change. Will the oceans continue?”

Because it is a cold temperature, the South Ocean allows you to immerse the carbon into significant depths and keep it outside the atmosphere for hundreds of years.

“It is really important to understand what is happening in the polar oceans, especially the fastest change.” “Thus, in an area like Antarctica, the more Ice layer will leave, it will put sweeter water to the South Ocean. This can affect how all of these works affect.”

Clock | This island of Antarctica maintains tips on future climate change:

Antarctica Island can hold tips about the next century of the climate

Antarctica is on the island of Cheating, Canadian scholars, including the relations between ice sheets, saying that what happened in Antarctica is not left there, explores the connections between the global sea levels.

Therefore, the drawing of this expedition is so useful.

“Most science, with nature, growing. And what we do is add to this body of knowledge,” he said.

The team will return thousands of samples for analysis in the coming weeks and months. Many of them will go to other researchers when they return home in Canada.

Speaking about the groundbreaking expedition, Jacob said: “It feels himself,” he said.

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