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This Flying Car Prototype Soars Over a Stopped Car

New videos from Aleh Aeronautics are the fact that the company’s flying car first drives as a road vehicle, then a flight to a flight on another vehicle blocked.

The model shown in the demos is a lighter prototype with a light prototype used for research and development, as the name puts forward. Some main differences in the company’s first production, Aleh model A.

alef flying

Alef’s model is zero ultralight, flights over a stopped car.

Aeref aeronautics

Model Zero Ultralight, a smaller battery in a smaller battery to maintain weight, alefin model is expected to be a flight censorship or 200 mile driving range. If the company accepts new battery technology, these numbers may increase.

More subtle and small wheels than a traditional car helps reduce the vehicle’s weight when it allows you to drive in different conditions.


The flying car can drive as a normal car on the ground, but when the fun part comes out of the air.

Aeref aeronautics

Although Model Zero Ultralight currently requires an experienced test pilot, Jim Dukhovny, Jim Dukhovny, said that the model will be easier for a middle man.

The optimal cruise speed in the air for the model is expected to be about 100 mph, the upper speed was estimated to be about 225mph. In the place, the car is currently registered as a low speed tool for research and development purposes, it is also limited to approximately 25mph top speed. Dukhovny said that the higher space is possible and the result is the target; Simply requires an accident test and adjustment approval. Until then, the company is not ready to crash the prototype.


Alef simulates a traffic congestion on a car standing on a road

Aeref aeronautics

Alef, the model expected to cost $ 300,000 accepts the preliminary words. As the most start, the price will be reduced as price, production scales.

To see this flying car, watch the video in this article.

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