After hitting the scene a few years ago a few years ago, the most portion of the pitch Mystery reserves Silently died and the sharing prices followed the costume mainly. Here, we will investigate the shares related to the three-saving and cheapest and inexpensive secrets that offer investors long-term value and potential reverse: convert point brands (TPB), Aurora secrets (ACB) and Jazz Pharmacy (Jazz).
Cannabis, who is illegal for decades, cannabis, the United States, Canada, Canada, Australia, Australia and Europe. Sirr resources known as Pote Shares, understand the requirement of giant pent-ups for cannabis products. Whether or not there is medicine, industry or relaxation, the mystery market is now a commercial organization within the United States and Canada.
In the United States, the mystery market was cooled after increasing its original feeling. Following the US Secret Shares, following US Secret Shares, Pure Cannabis ETF (MJUS), which follows US mystery shares, is sold in a stock in early 2021, but now trades only $ 2.68. Tyrray brands (Tilray brands (TLY), one of the earliest and most hidgled pure plays, more than $ 145 in 2018, but today is less than a dollar. It is difficult to express the weak of the box stocks.
Tilray (TLRY) vs S & P 500 (spy)
Although there is a difficult place to invest, the industry still has the potential to the ports – the rest marijuana is now important in the 39th State (Moreover Washington DC), this is still classified as 1 medication of the federal government). The Grand View research predicts that global legal cannabis market will increase to $ 102 billion by 2030, 25.5% CAGR.
For investors are still interested in the industry, the gospel, the sector is a maturity, and instead of making little earnings, there is a way of investing.
Turning point brands (TPB) is an interesting way to access the mystery cavity. Although the pure game is not a cannabis company, Zig-Zag sells rolling documents and is part of the industry. The global cannabis of new cannabis has included the global mystery stock index.
Unlike many peers, it has risen about twice over the past year. However, unlike some of these peers, The turning point is profitable and after this mass ralliesIn fact, it is reasonably cheap, the evaluations of earnings in the 19X 2025, a little discount on the broader market.
The turning point offers both the push and the cost and is more potential. In addition to the Rolling documents, the company sells nicotine bags under the fre brand. Most importantly, last year’s turning point, a high-level 50/50 joint venture with Tucker Carlson Media, Alps started with Tucker Carlson media to start a new nicotine bag brand. Tucker Carlson, the most popular (polarizing) figures in the US media, the Alps have an important propaganda as the most popular (polarizing) figures that give you a great platform and high visibility. Nicotine Bags have become rapidly popular in recent years, products such as Zyn have become a great war for Philip Morris (PM). The population of Nicotine Bags and the ability to sell Carlson to the audience of the Alps has many growth potential.
I love the loop as a smart way to perform the mystery cavity for offering strong diversification. Investors are understood from Zig-Zag and diversification to other income flows thanks to Nicotine’s bags.
In Wall Street, the TPB wins a powerful shopping rating to sell three purchases, zero catch and zero designated in the last three months. This Average Analytical TPB Stock Price Target $ 81.67 43% of current levels are intended to potentially.
Aurora Mystery was among the first mystery share boom, which reached about $ 150 in 2021. But in the last five years, shares lost 95% of its value.
But here are several green life shoots. After years of losses, the share in the last year is about 20%. The company recently A record of $ 7 million in the last quarter was reported in an adjustable Ebit The Canadian recreation market began to bear fruit as more profitable and higher margin focus on the international medical market. This income of 93% of the global market, proved to exceed the Canadian income for the first time.
In addition to profitable, Aurora is also reasonable for a very reasonable 17.8x 2025 gain. This is still a speculative fund based on a stained history, provides an interesting speculative opportunity for evaluating and swinging, risk-inverted investors based on its strategic turn. Moreover, the sale of the sales side analysts ahead of the under-potential of the monster.
Returning to Wall Street, ACB wins a mild consensus rating based on two purchases and zero-selling ratings designated in the last three months. This Average Analytical ACB stock price target 7.10 The current levels are provided by 58% underpass.
Finally, Jazz Pharmacy (Jazz) examinated the Canbis market. Jazz drug medication to be clear is not a clean game on mystery because it is diversified Biotech Company With a market cap of $ 8.5 billion. However, the CBD-based epilepsy medication provides an important report to the secrets thanks to the purchase of 2021 GW Pharmaceuticals, which added Epidiolex to the portfolio. Successful drugs are now approaching $ 1 billion in annual sales and are confirmed in dozens of countries.
In addition to Epidiolex, the product portfolio of jazz includes many other drugs aimed at sleep disorders and oncology. I like this gives investors diversification and additional income flows outside the mystery. Moreover, jazz stakes are very cheap. In 2025, the company’s exchange business with analysts earning $ 23.42 per share per share, only six times 2025 earnings.
While returning to Wall Street, jazz earns a powerful shopping rating to sell seventeen purchases, a hold and zero set for the last three months. This The average analytical jazz stock price target is $ 193.82 The current levels are provided by 40% upside down potential.
Many mystery reserves have a bad reputation after dramatically falling from high 2021 heights, if you know where to appear, there are pockets here. Many weak players walked on the side of the road, even though stronger companies have grown and more profitable. Aurora, who are three attractive ways to play in the market, as a lawyer and jazz pharmaceutical brands, Aurora cannabis medicines and three attractive ways, and all are cheap and they are all inexpensive and trading for cheap assessment. In addition, analysts are important potential, emphasizing their strong potential for all three in the next 12 months, emphasizing their strong potential.