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Trump facilitates rules about military raids and air attacks, who can target

President Trump, American commanders, according to US officials, allowing airstrikes and special operating raids in special battle areas, released the restrictions on specific operating raids outside the ordinary battle.

The removal of a quiet, but seismic re-regulation returns to the Biden cycle mandates and a more aggressive anti-terrorist policy.

During the first Foreign trip Protection Secretary of Defense at the beginning of this month Pete HegsethIn Germany, the United States has signed a management and executive control that facilitates a meeting with high-level military leaders of the African Command, airstrikes and American commandos.

The commanders that relieve numerous centralized Joe Biden to US officials by US officials by US officials, the commanders who are relieved by US officials, the commanders are prioritizing priorityorization to decide whose target and raids.

A Chief Defense Branch official told CBS that Biden’s war policy was a carbon copy established during the second term of the former President Barack Obama. During the duration of Biden, airstrikes are usually directed to the higher administration of terrorist organizations.

The official, the approach of Mr. Trump carries both risks and awards, because the rational process and expanding decisions and expected decisions and the risk of expected decisions and undermined decisions reduce the capabilities of foreign terrorist organizations.

In Somalia, Islamist Armed Group and Somalia Houthis Yemen was discussed as a potential target, with his knowledge of US officials. If all the other US warrior commands are given the same directive in the world, it is not clear.

CBS news reached the Pentagon and the United States African Command on Tuesday, but did not receive the answer. On Friday, Hegseth confirmed the report In an article in XShare CBS news with “correct” message.

American military airstrikes fall Two wide categories – Intentional and defense by the US African Command site. The strikes, the strikes, in the framework of Bunden’s leadership, fleeing with the joint staff and the executive department and adhere to a high level of vetting.

Deliberately, military lawyers are considering whether there are legal fighers in the armed conflict law, and the exploration of terrorist suspects to prevent innocent people’s target crimes.

Defense Air Instruments “Used” in limited cases “in the inevitable threat of the enemy forces of the US or specially designated partner forces,” the United States is the website of the African teams. This type of air attacks are usually allowed by the warrior command and the executive department does not need to confirm these holidays.

A classified research that has been leaking since 2013 blameless By withdrawal, the US government’s drone triggers between 2011 and 2012, after the approval of the President in the Obama administration – policies carried out in a similar way.

Before the start of the strike, the military commanders had to get acquainted with a number of serious criteria, and to ensure approval from seven decisions – the president. The targeted person had to be confirmed as a member of a terrorist organization, using two independent exploration forms. The civilian loss was minimal to be predicted. And the waters may not be “conflicting intelligence” that contaminates.

The process was a highly distributed round table. Target package, Warrior Commander, CIA Mission Chief and the host group and all of the host nation came to the air. A single opposition along the way is expected to be suspended.

It is not clear if the same provisions are included in the new directive. However, in the first period of Mr. Trump, in countries such as Afghanistan, the host was existed by the host nation.

The US African Command Directive, inside the Pentagon, comes at a time fire Protect the generals for Air Force, Army and Navy by the highest judge’s Trump Office. Traditionally, it is seen as political positions, which covers the best responsibilities of the highest dressed Pentagon officials, the highest pyrinch’s international conflict to control the entry and the file.

Speaking to journalists on Monday, Hegseth, “The General Commander said they were not” road crossings “given by the President,” he said.

Added: “As a result, we want the best recommendations for each service, no matter what, and we do not think that these certain positions are well suited and therefore are looking for.”


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