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US budget deficit, in February, $ 1 trillion for the record year

The US Treasury building is seen in Washington on January 21, 2025 in Washington, DC on the occasion of the Winter Day.

Kevin Carter | Getty pictures

The issue of US debt and deficit has deteriorated during the President Donald TrumpThe first month in the office, as a budget shortage for February, despite the fact that the financial year is still half-point, 1 trillion dollar tricket.

If government expenses come, in a while, according to the revenue administration, this is a large number of coming, which is coming. The CSRIMRIM was more than $ 307 billion for the month, more than 2 ° February and more than in February 2024 and more than 3.7%.

Adoption and expenses told a treasury spokesman for the month.

During the year, the deficit amounted to $ 1.15 trillion with the first five months of finance 2025. In a total of 2024 or about 38% higher or recorded for a period of time.

Net expenses to finance $ 36.2 trillion monthly have been reduced to $ 74 billion for the month. However, the total net interest payments, which are so far, rose to $ 396 billion behind national defense and health. Social Security and Medicare are the largest costs in the US budget.

Cuts in the last three years of the former president Joe Biden ‘The s period, 1.83 trillion dollars from $ 1.38 trillion.

Trump has achieved the government’s financial house in a priority since he started his office. Since the understood, he created the government’s efficiency department Elon musk. The Advisory Board has cut off work between many departments in addition to the early pension campaign. A treasure spokesman said there were no open effects on Doge’s efforts, but additional comments were made to the Musk-LED panel.

At the same time, Trump wants to extend tax discounts and jobs that have begun during the first leadership. Trump has increased the increase in many thought tanks that will bring taxes to be reduced, and the act of updating the act will add $ 3.3 trillion in deficit over the next decade.

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