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Verizon Fios Home Internet Review: Plans, Pricing, Speeds and Availability

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Verizon Fios Home Internet Rating


  • All Verizon fios plans are 100% fiber, with symmetric download and download speed

  • There are no data caps or allowances in any plan

  • There are no term agreements necessary in any plan


  • Low fiber availability for a national company

  • Although Fios and 5G is affordable, LTE and DSL options are expensive

Verizon Fios Home Internet Review

You can get acquainted with Verizon for our friends on the east coast 100% fiber-optic internet serviceCurrently, only in eight northeast and in Washington, DC. Although the existence is limited, Verizon offers symmetrical near Fios Download speed and downloadTransparent service detects of hidden fees and two to four years of price lock guarantee and stiff passing perks such as free stream subscribers. Verizon FiOS has many advantages over competing internet providers, but the main details should be considered before signing.

First of all, this limited existence will change over the next year. Last September, the verizon announced Purchase of the borderAn action to expand the fiber trail to 25 countries in 2026 Border fiber An existing network. Currently, Verizon Fios is one of the largest fibrous internet providers across the country Despite only 9% coverage. After combining two networks, we expect this number to be higher.

In addition to the growing fiber network, Verizon also offers Verizon 5G Home Internet. According to the Federal Communications Commission Broadband map5G Internet service is one of the total US population – one of the general internet providers.

All this makes it difficult for you to make it difficult to appear, ie before registration for Verizon Fios. Let’s look more closely in terms of service and price to see how Verizon fios compared to competition.

Verizon fios plans and prices

It should be noted that the prices listed on this page reflect the discounts available to set up an undocumented shipping. If you choose not to use automatic monthly payments, your price will be higher.

Plan Monthly price Maximum speed Payments and service information
Fios 300 $ 50 300Mbps Download, 300Mbps Download There are no free equipment, contracts or data caps
Fios 500 $ 75 500Mbps Download, 500Mbps Download There are no free equipment, contracts or data caps
1 gig information $ 90 940Mbps download, 880Mbps download There are no free equipment, contracts or data caps
2 GIG Aware $ 110 2,300Mbps download, downloading 1.500Mbps There are no free equipment, contracts or data caps

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Source: CNET analysis of provider data

How many members of your house use the Internet?

Details are one of the easiest to understand Verizon Fios’ service, which is really confusing. There are four stages: 300Mbps, 500Mbps, 1.000MB / s, in selected areas to 100.000MB / s. Many providers offer promotional prices, which ended after the end of 12 months, lead to an increase in your account. Verizon doesn’t do it. Instead, Verizon offers a price lock that varies depending on the speed of your choice. Currently, the lowest level has a two-year price warranty, 500Mbps plan has a three-year warranty and the four-year price of the two fastest plans.

Also, since the Fios fiber-optic network is a network, your download and download speed provides almost equally symmetric download and download speed. Asymmetric cable internet, wherever you are using Loading speeds In 300Mbps plan can only go as high as 10Mbps, especially how can you transfer video coconutension and large files, how to dramatically increase a dramatic difference.

If you do not know which speed is selected, Mention how much speed of your home is using. Typically, households are around 564Mbps average, according to the latest Openly. Fios 500 or Fios 1 gig can mean the most of the average family, the same report uses the average small household (one or two members), usually using 578MB / s. If you do not have a lot in your home Starsmen, Playersremote workers or StudentsMost likely you will be fine only with FiOS 300.

Verizon logo in the background of orange gradient

Verizon / CNET

Where can you get the Verizon fiocy?

FCC broadband map showing Verizon FiOS coverage in the northeast.

This FCC broadband map Verizon fios coverage is primarily in the northeast.


At present, Verizon FiOS only exists in eight of the following Eastern countries: Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and VirgiaAs well as Washington, DC. You can use it Verizon Availability Checker To see if your address is fios.

Other available Verizon Internet connections

If Verizon does not exist in your fios address, there are other services that can be valued in Verizon:

  • Verizon is high speed internet, a DSL service, still available, but no longer available for new customers.
  • Verizon LTE Home Internet Available in selected markets in 48 states. Although the speeds cannot offer which fiber, a LTE Home Internet plan will accelerate 25 to 50mb / s at 50 to 50mb / s at speed.
  • Verizon 5G Home Internet There are more than 2,700 cities in the United States, your address becomes an ideal choice if the Verizon is not serviced for FiOS. The 5G home internet service from Verizon allows you to download 300 to 1,000MB / s speed and download up to 20 to 75 Mbothes at the speed of download.

Verizon Fios Additional Details

Verizon does not require plans Contracts. And there is No data capsor. As your mom has always taught to look under the hood, it is not a bad idea to dig a little for a better idea you have before starting Internet service.

Additional monthly payments

They do not have to pay for Verizon FiOS customers Equipment rentalEverything is entered in the monthly price.

One-time installation fee

Your installation will depend on the verizon plan of your choice. If you choose Fios, FiOS will be $ 99 who refuses to go with those who go with 1 gig.

No data caps

Differently Very much, Xfinity and other ISPS, verizon doesn’t put it information about customers. Therefore, you will not be worried about the slowdowns or data slowdown after hitting a particular threshold.

Verizon Fios Perks and Promocus

New Verizon brand

The new Verizon logo feels the feeling between marketing, advertising and company products.


Verizon Fios can be based on the fact that you are not required to sign a term contract, which means you can contact an early termination or a service that needs to be a service or reduce. Many other proposals also help sweeten potential customers agree.

First, Verizon has a $ 15 discount per month for new customers who are included in the company’s prize 5G mobile plans.

Then, as previously mentioned, all new Verizon Fios subscribers will receive price lock guarantees for everyonetheir plans. This will vary from two-year price lock to a four-year price guarantee, depending on the speed.

Verizon offers a $ 100 gift card to new users who mark online. New customers registered for 1 or 2 Gig plan, both Samsung 43 “Class TV or Meta Quest 3S options will also be selected.

Finally, Verizon was killed flow Additional subscribers in addition to Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, Disney Plus, YouTube Premium and more for all customers for all customers. Verizon customers can reduce flow costs with some of these plans and cancel anytime.

Verizon Fios Garners High Customer Satisfaction Marks

ACSI 2024, rating for US customer satisfaction with fiber internet service providers.

As if

Verizon FiOS was in a row for customer service measurements for most of the last ten years. When I look at The latest American customer satisfaction index numbers for ISPSFios was close to the top, the second AT & T fiber. In 2024, he scored 77 points from 100 points, and two points are more than 2023 points. The four-year Verizon Fios considers that the ACSI increases its close account.

In addition, Verizon seized the best eastern point in a row JD POWER Annual customer satisfaction ranking in the past 12 years. Valizo is worth showing you hit in one of only four regions. In the region, East and Verizon first scored 575 points for the first time, hit the 1000-point scale. This was the average of 528 points in the area.

Speed ​​test site is a goal system based on a goal system reviewing both loading and downloading speed. (As the same parent company, CNET belongs to the same parent company.) Based on the latest Ookla tests from the first half of 2024Verizon just landed in the second place, SpectrumXfinity, Border and Optimal.

Verizon, in the same period, held the first place for the lowest delay between high providers and was recorded as the best Internet provider for high quality video streaming.

Verizon fios bottom line on the internet? Pretty good

Verizon can boast of having 100% fiber of his fios service. As the types of internet connection are increasingly, it is difficult to beat it. Moreover, Verizon can point to high customer satisfaction ratings and sequences in filling these graphs.

Availability of Verizo’s fiber plans is currently limited to northeast so far. The company’s DSL plans are not an exception. Verizon Fios is a best choice to get online if you live in the northeast. We recommend the FIOS 300 in society to $ 50 as the best plan choice.

Verizon Fios Questions

Fios, Fios belong to Verizon’s fiber-optic Internet service, which is a thier speed of speed – 300, 500, 1 gig and 2 gig. One of the appeals of this service is similar loading and loading speeds. Verizon also offers other options for home internet service – DSL, LTE, 5G – but none of them are considered fios.

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Can I get Verizon Fios in my area?

Verizon Fios is only available in the northeast. If you want to determine if your address is fios, you can check Verizon Availability Checker.

If you want to explore other internet options of the carrier, you can call 800-25-5499. Verizon Contact Page.

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Is there a router to Verizon FiOS service?

Yes, it is. If you plan to choose which one, the router is included in your service without any additional cost. Before that, only Gigabit customers were included in the monthly fee of router rent and all other Verizon Fios customers were caught in additional $ 15 per router. Verizon raised the monthly routing fee in 2022.

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