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Want to save more to retire? First think of the future yourself

Not always Easy to save for scholarshipsPartly so far away for many people that there is no feeling of relevance.

The new research offers a solution: make the close part of the future closer.

“People are fighting to fight for the future and fight to fight to join the future,” Katherine Christensen, Assistant teacher and research author of the University of Indiana Katherine Christensen. “I wonder if people feel that people feel more closely linked to their future?”

After analyzing 20 experiments from 20 experiments from 20 experiments to test this hypothesis, Christensen says the answer is yes.

When the study thinks about the future, when I think of more than 80% of the time, it actually begins to think today.

“In fact, this is actually flip,” he says. Imagine your thoughts before turning back to the coming back and this future.

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Although the difference is subtle, it is shown to encourage people to save more. In an experiment, which has a less balanced deposit, a less balanced deposit of a Swedish company, which has more than 6,700 customers, has been invested in a long-term deposit product when they want to think about the future of the future.

Hal Hershfield, marketing, behavioral decision and one of the universities in California, those who are one of the authors of Los Angeles and educational, say the wishes are deliberately prepared in simple words. “(We) had a language along the lines: ‘Year 2034 … Go back to 2024 and consider saving for 2034,” he said. ”

Research such as research banks, specifically informs customers how customers will be maintained, Herzhfield, personal protectors can apply their findings using similar articles.

“The key here is to start and go back in the future,” he said, “Reafters”, “he said,” he said only now and grow it in the future.

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The authors of the new study ensure that they do not find related to previous findings of people, and the same period is perceived for walks like Gories. In other words, we travel home faster than traveling to an unknown place.

Uncertainty creates a mental distance, because this cognitive well is happening, Christensen says. That is, people take the unfamiliar person farther away from the acquaintance. It is true that the “home effect”, as they call scientists, for several years to save for future events or life stages, but also for a few years.

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It is more likely to save a future future, Christians say. “Since today is more determined than the future, he says that the realities familiar with the acquaintance with the acquaintance are the mental appointment.” On our breast, you are mainly progressing towards certainty. “

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Martha C. White He is a work and financial writer in New York. It can be reached to

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Appeared on March 10, 2025.

Document WP-WSJ-0002246561

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