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Whistle Colombia reveals ‘terrible’ contamination of Oil giant

Owen Pinnell

BBC Eye Research

The BBC shows a large part of the above, showing a large part of the brown water, which is a large part, covered in the hidden film patches, and was broken down in the middle of a broken man in the middle. The bank on the left has a green vegetation.BBC

In some places where BBC visits it is possible to see an invader movie on the water surface

Colombia Energy Giant Ecopetrol contaminated hundreds of oil, including water sources and biomimile wetlands, BBC world service.

The information leaked by an ex-worker shows more than 800 records of these sites from 1989 to 2018 and shows that the company cannot report about one of them.

BBC also gained figures that showing that the company pours oil hundreds of times.

Ecopetrol says it is fully compatible with the Colombian law and is led in the industry.

The main processing plant of the company, Barrancabermeja, 260 km (162 miles) in the north of the capital of Colombia.

A large majority of processing plants, industrial chimneys and storage tanks extend 2 km (1.2 miles) along the coast of Colombia, Magdalena – a source of water for millions of people.

Yulye Veláajez dead, gray manatee, gray manate to a meter caught by the woman, 2024Yafel Veláajez

Yulyel Velásece says that the manate is among the dead animals found in Barrancabermeja region

Members of the fishing community believe that the oil pollution affects the wildlife in the river.

Tea tortoises, manate and spider monkeys in a wider area are part of a kind of rich hot spot in one of the world’s most biodiversity. The nearby wetlands include a residential residence for Jaguars.

BBC, families and waterways in June last year, fishing each other with fishing with each other.

One local, some fish they bought, as cooked, he said he was released by the sharp smell of crude oil.

In places, a film with a broom, which is designed on the surface of the water, can be seen in a film with a different signature of oil.

The fisherman stands with a vegetable cover, green vegetation and electrical pilon, which stands in the dark mud, and the base of the power pilon.

Yuliel Velásece says that the dark sediment of vegetation, which is pulled from the bottom of the water, is a sign of fat pollution

A fisherman fell into the water and brought a bunch of vegetation in the dark slip.

Pointing this, President of the Federation of Fisheries in the region Yuliel Veladagez, said: “This is all oil and waste coming from the Ecopetrol processing plant.”

88% of the state of Colombia rejects the allegations that the fishermen listed on the Ecopetrol and the New York Exchange.

In response to the BBC questions, it says that this is effective environmental use of efficient wastewater treatment systems and oil spills.

By wearing a blue shirt, with a gesture and a disturbed expression, while talking to the BBC

In Mr., it says “Something was wrong” immediately after joining Ecopetrol

Andrés Orte, who shared the company’s data, says the company said that the firm has been pollution with strength.

In 2017, he joined Ecopetrol and started working as a CEO counselor. He says “Something was wrong” soon.

In Mr., he protested against managers about “terrible” pollution information, but why do you ask these questions? “

In 2019, the company left and shared a large amount of company information with NGOs (EIAs) and later with the BBC. BBC confirmed that the ecopetrol came from servers.

Barrancabermeja city, Ecopetrol processing plant in the west of the city, Magdalena River. The contaminated sites specified in the 2019 ECopetrol database are recorded on the map, in the northern city, the West and Southeast.

In January 2019, a database sharing Dated contains a list of the “unresolved environmental impact” list through Colombia.

Ecopetrol uses this period in the areas where oil is not cleaned from the land and water from this process. The information shows that since 2019, some of these sites have been in polluted in this way.

In Mr., the company strives to hide some of the Colombian government, which points to five in five of the records labeled “known to Ecopetrol.”

“You can see a category in Excel, which is hiding a category from an authority and which ones do not have those who show the process of hiding from the government.

The BBC was shot in the 2017 basis of the “only eCopetrol-recognized” sites dated 2017. Seven years later, a thick, black, oily-looking substance, which has obstacles from the plastic arrest around, appeared on the edge of a swamp area.

Besides the bank, along with a black, oily-looking substance, along with light brown water area and partial water along the boom. You can see black mud and two boring backgrounds.

BBC is known as a black, oily-looking substance and obstacle “Only Ecopetrol” in one of the sites listed in the database “

From 2023 since 2023 since 2023 since 2023, BBC said that the BBC said there was any policy to hide information about pollution.

“I say you with no confidence and no politics and no instructions, and ‘they cannot be shared’,” he said.

Mr Bayón accused the provocation for many oil spills.

Colombia has a long history of armed conflict and illegal armed groups targeted oil objects – but are called 6% of the work listed in the database of “attack” or “attack”.

He said he has been able to “significant progress” in solving the problems that have been polluting oil since then.

However, a separate number of data indicates a number of data continued to pollute eCopetrol.

The figures obtained by the BBC from the BBC, the National Environmental Organization (ANAME), the Ecopetrol show reported hundreds of oil bottles in 2020.

He asked about the 2019 database of dirty places, Acopetrol, 839 accepted the records of the ecological incidents, but admitted that all were classified as “unresolved.”

The company has already cleared 95% of the contaminated places classified as unsolved since 2018.

All pollution events are subject to the management process and the regulator is reported.

Industrial chimneys and buildings with the river, reflecting the chimneys in vegetables and water visible on the river coast

The main processing plant of ecopetrol is stretched on the shores of the Magdalena River near Barrancabermeja

The regulator includes hundreds of spills in the barcabermeja region where Ms. Velásquez and fishermen live.

Fisherwoman and his colleagues are watching the biodiversity of the wetlands of the area of ​​the Magdalena tea.

Said the fauna was “massacre”. “There were three dead manats, five dead manats this year. We found more than 10 caiman. We found turtles, capitars, birds, thousands of dead fish.”

It is clear that deaths caused – El Niño can be air phenomenon and climate change factors.

The University of Nottingham is like a factor, including a factor, including 2022 oil production and other industries and other industries and household sources, including climate change.

Mr. Orte left Ecopetrol in 2019. He moved to his family home near Barrancabermeja and said he met an old contact to ask about the opening of the work. Soon a caller who calls an anonymous call said he threatened to kill him.

“I realized that I thought I had complained against Ecopetrol, which he said.

In Mr., he said he followed more threats, including a note on the BBC. He does not know who threats are and the eCopetrol has no evidence ordered.

MS Velá Sajez and other people of seven people also told the BBC that Ecopetrol had taken death threats after difficulty.

According to him, a group of armed, opened fire on warning fire in his house and hit the word “let go.”

Portrait of the portrait of the portrait of the Fisheries Federation President Yleie Veláagajez, he looks straight to the camera and takes a closed picture with a fishing on the wall behind

Ms. Velá Sajez said he was threatened to the BBC and shot his house

Fisherwoman is now protected by armed bodyguards paid by the government, but threats continue.

Mr Orte asked about the threats, the former CEO Mr. Bayón said he was “completely unacceptable.”

“I want to clean it completely … It was never any order in any time,” said Mr Bayón.

It also knows that the risks are real in MS Velá Sajabez and Mr. Colombia, according to the global witness, in 2023 is the most dangerous country in the world for the deaths of 79 people.

Experts say this kind of murders are associated with the armed conflict in Colombia for decades, which fought for the allied government forces and left-winged rebel groups of parachians.

Despite the government’s attempts to end the conflict, armed groups and drug cartels remain active in the country.

An oil analyst and financial analysis and financial analysis and financial journalist Matthew Smith says that Ecopetrol managers do not believe that they are engaged in threats by armed groups.

However, he says that there are something “Great” overlap between groups and private security sectors.

Private security firms often use the former members of the former groups and fight for profitable contracts to protect oil objects.

In Mr., in 2018, the company shared the internal ecopetrol emails showing a total of $ 65 million to more than 2,800 private security companies.

“The risk of some kind of infection between personal security companies, the types of people who hired and their contracts are a desire to protect their contracts,” Smith says Smith.

He says that this can also include a society leaders or environmental defenders to ensure that the eCopetrol operations are smooth.

Fisherman standing on a small boat in Magdalena River, pour a fish spread in the air in front of him

Fishing is an important livelihood for many in Barrancabermeja region

Mr. Bayón said the company’s relations with private security companies “make sure that the necessary work is being done.”

Ecopetrol says it does not have to do with illegal armed groups. This says that it is a powerful effort and assessing the impact of human rights according to its activities.

The BBC contacted other members of the Ecopetrol, which has definitely rejected the allegations in this report.

Now, in Mr., living in Germany, complaints about the ecopol met the environment of the environment, Colombian power and the company itself – without a meaningful result.

He was also unresolved in a number of legal affairs against Ecopetrol and his leadership.

“I did this in the protection of my land, my land, my region and the people.”

Mr. Bayón stressed the economic and social importance of ecopetrol Colombia.

“We have 1.5 million families who do not have access to energy or cooking wood and coal,” he said. “I believe that we must trust the industrial, oil, gas, gas, all energy sources, and the passage of all energy sources for the columbians.”

And Mrs. Veláaguez, despite threats, remains to continue to talk.

“If we don’t go fishing, we do not eat,” he said. “If we are talking, we kill … and if we do not know, we kill ourselves, because all these severe pollution events destroy the environment around us.”

Colombia and the surrounding countries - Southwest for Eastern, Brazil and Peruvia. Barrancabermeja is marked in the north of the Colombian capital Bogota.

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