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Why Broadcom shares fall today

Shares semiconductor company Broadcom (NASDAQ: AVGO) Today the company was tested Intelthe process of manufacture chip. Broadcom designs chips but does not produce them. Most company processors are currently being made Taiwanese semiconductor production (TSMC).

Broadcom investors do not like the company’s opinion using the company as a manufacturer of Intel, and today they lowered up to 4.2%. Broadcom’s shares decreased from 11:25% to 2.2%.

Chip designers are not uncommon to miss the tests to see if the tests work with chip manufacturers are useful. However, the Broadcom’s investors’ process tested investors, probably struggled to remove the production of special advanced processing in Intel.

Intel has postponed potential production contracts for the 18A process by 2026 and shows that the latest reporting schedule from Reuters is withdrawal for six months.

18a is to develop the process artificial intelligence (AI) Chips with bread and butter in the production of the Taiwanese semiconductor. Broadcom investors may concern that if the company carries the production of chip to Intel, it may be concerned that production may be slowdown or to postpone new processors.

No companies did not comment on the partnership or new deals and the official contracts were not disclosed. This means that Broadcom investors should be approached by waiting and reviewing this news and have no investment based on pre-testing.

Although the company decides to transport the company’s production to Intel, Intel will still make a sharp transition to the desire to slow production. The Broadcom is most likely to understand which production options are available and how the Intelin 18a process develops.

Before you get a stock in Broadcom, review this:

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