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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Arrest decision was delivered to the Philippine Philippines in the Philippines, MARCOS, MARCOS, Monday in Manila. This is the person named: Salafi, Rodrigo DutyTeTe, FireBrand Drugs warned thousands of people.
But it moves Warranty from the International Criminal Court It was not flat because the Philippine was not a member of the court. Thus, at 6:30, Mr. Marcos, the government of Mr. Cancos, this time received another guarantee from the court on behalf of the Court and the Philippine Interpol.
Mr. Marcos recalled his next step at an address to the nation on Tuesday. “Well, we will do all our plans and continue as we discuss.”
Mr. DutyTeTe – Mr. Dutyterte, who lasted a long time, was arrested in Manila. It was placed on a plane to face the Hague at the end of Tuesday The accusation of crimes against humanity.
In the Philippines, the impunity was a fast coil in a long chapter. Mr Dutyte’s Drug War was convicted of a handful of human being in connection with the crimes of the crimes that were estimated to kill up to 30,000. Now, the man who took a loan to chewing, was sent to a court trial in the face of justice in the face of justice in political winds.
Dear Marcos, Dictator’s son Ferdinand E. Marcos, rose to the next government to create an alliance Mr. Canmerte’s daughter with Sarah Cutlerte. Working on the National Union Platform, in 2022, won the presidency and vice presidency. But easily began to manage marriages in disbelief.
Mrs. Dutyterte, who is the leader in the box to succeed in Mr Marcos, said he wanted for him He cut his head Threatening to dig his father’s body and throwing it to the ocean. His father called the little Mr Marcos “drug addict” and a “weak leader.”
Mr. Marcos, mostly demolished the comments and said little to the people. But his allies Ms. Hutlerte To manage his political career last month.
Then, his father and his allies rejected his father as political pressure, Mr. Marcos said that in accordance with Interpol’s guarantee, he said.
“It was justice no matter how we were here,” he said Maria Ressa, Nobel Prize winner journalist The news site, RAPPLER, Mr. Cutler’s target because he examines the drug war.
“Is there a policy now? There is always a policy,” he said. “But this is a reminder to the rest of the world that the delay night comes for you, and this punishment does not last forever.”
It was still difficult for some filipinos to believe that such a moment came.
Florecita Perez and Joemarie Claverio’s son Jenel Claverio, in December 2019, was killed by masked people in Navotas.
He hugged him from behind while trying to sleep. “I said:” Hon was arrested Holler. “He came to me and said, ‘Oh? Will he not be able to go away?”
Mr. Canmanerte went to the Netherlands on Tuesday and he should be taken to the Hague, where he was based on both ICC and pre-trial detention facilities. The court official, Mr. Cutlerte will not be expected to appear in court on Wednesday, but in the coming days before the three judges could be tried before the panel.
ICC is usually an excuse for a long time and is not expected to begin within the planned test.
Ms. Dutytete was on the way to The Hague to help organize his father’s law team. The former leader, another daughter of Veronica Cutlerte, seized the screen of video calls with his fathers when he was on the plane. In an instagram post, he wrote: “A flight that lasted more than eight hours, but left only a sandwich to eat ???”
However, thousands of people rejoiced when the geographical flight carrying Mr. Coretre from an air base in Manila. Some were reminiscent of Mr Marcos’s father overthrown about four decades ago and fled to the United States.
“On February 25, the headlines in the newspaper do not need to be like:” Everything is over, Marcos leaves, but it feels very close, “he said. (Critics accuse Mr. Marcosu, who works, Mr. Marcos History of whitening In 1986 by recognizing the importance of that day.)
Mrs. Iglesias is clear that it is clear that it is clear to clearance for a wide campaign for a wide campaign for a wide campaign for a wide campaign that limits the power of Holler in recent months.
“None of these would be possible without his consent,” he said.
Although it was time to cooperate with ICC, Mr. Marcos said in November that journalists will not block the trial and their obligations with Interpol.
Mr. Canmanerte is one of the highest approval ratings in the history of the Philippines, and Ms. Dutyterte is still leading polling stations for the presidency in 2028, but the arrest is already in a highly sensitive position. And in recent months, the Holls could not be a great crowd for protests.
Mr. Dutyte’s arrest, Mr Marcos, without any main decline, is a gambling gambling that can eliminate the cuiser as a political force. In May, the issue between Marcosse and Amateur lawyer elections, the issue is expected to be the issue, average and center during the intermediate elections.
Two Hollasters Allies – a former assistant, Christopher go to “bong”; A former police chief, Ronald Bato Dela Rosa, Mr Dutyte’s drug war architect Dela Rosa – Senate wants to be re-elected. The end of this year and the Philippine senators will decide whether Ms. Hollerte is convicted of the impeachment. He wants a judgment against him, but he fled him from the run for the best.
So far, public thoughts appear behind Mr Marcos. A study dated March 2024, the investigation of more than 1,700 Filipinoosis showed about three in five of the ICC investigation.
Residents of the arrest of residents in Mr. Canterte in Cotobato, held banners and burnt cell phones in the protest of the residents in Cotobato. There were several hundred people, but the demonstration soon appeared.
Marlis Simons Report that died of Paris, and See aie a balagtas and Camille Elemia From Manila.