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Wild ‘Waterbending’ Technique Uses Waves to Steer Floating Objects With Precision

Imagine going to a large Floulie in a lake or pool and then try to move. We all have been there, you are glued, without the sails or a sliding engine that holds the wind. So what would you do if we could move the water yourself?

The international team of international researchers developed a technique to manipulate the water and act accurately visible to the floating facilities immediately outside the sci-fi film. Outside of the magnificent cool factor, this research may have practical applications from molecular experiences to the maneuver of boats along large water bodies.

Water manipulation techniques are managed by waves. After learning computer simulation, the team used 3D caliber plastic structures to create different types of waves in the reservoir. One of the structures was a ring with 24 pipes that produce low humpty humming sounds that produce ripples in the water in the ring.

By playing with the scale and frequency of waves produced by the structures, researchers created complex patterns along the water surface – foam cannons, ping tennis balls and rice grains and rice grains and rice cereals to manage the movement of floating objects.

As a learn In early February, researchers published in the wild, used the waves to fulfill the recommendations such as holding floating facilities or to watch circular or spiral roads. They also noted that small external waves did not disturb the movement of patterns and objects. In general, the floating objects have been destroyed by only one inch (about 5 millimeters) of less than the fifth way. Despite the images, researchers are not subenpers – all based on physics.

“Our findings are the first step in researching how many potential applications with many potential applications in the future. statement.

Yijie is an optical engineer and the last investigation inspired the examples of light. Colleagues and colleagues will be able to move small particles in light patterns of lightweight, and this led to thinking that the water does not behave in the same way.

“We have shown that water waves can be used to move accurately until the rice grains.

On a molecular scale, this technique can bring particles without manipulating directly. In a wider scale, researchers accept that they should be considered the effect of strong natural waves, we can manage the movement of boats with water bodies. Can this technique also transfer liquids in water? Similar water manipulation methods can help cleanse floating chemical pollutants. However, it should be noted that scientists use large water bodies in large water bodies.

Considering the similarities between water waves, lightwaves and electronic movement, researchers suggest that water can give some more favorable way to study some quantum events. If you think this is wildly futurist, it can simply investigate the possibility of use of water samples for the detention of information for the statement.

However, this is aiming to investigate the team, the waves can create similar samples under the surface of the water.

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